The Park

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Lauren: Y/N what happened? Are you ok?? Please text me back I'm really worried.

I let out a giant sigh and put my head in my hands as I remembered what Lauren heard. I contemplate what to do, knowing she can't find out what just happened.

After minutes of leaving her on delivered, which was very unlike me, I finally think of something good to say to her.

Y/N: don't worry I'm fine. Nothing happened.

I try to keep it as vague as possible so Lauren won't ask any questions. But of course, she does.

Lauren: are you sure? It sounded like something bad happened

Y/N: im sure. Thanks laur

Lauren: I'll always be here if you need me Y/N. You can tell me anything

I leave her on read and shut my phone off. I can't bring myself to tell her what happened, but I also feel terrible lying to her. I lean against the wall and slowly slide to the ground.

Tears start forming in my eyes for what feels like the millionth time tonight, and my sadness overwhelms me.


I wake up feeling like trash. My face is throbbing from the gigantic bruise I got last night, and my eyes are still recovering from being rubbed so much. I turn over to my right side and practically scream in pain as my face hits my pillow. I somehow keep forgetting about my injuries.

I force myself to get up and go to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and I'm disgusted at what I see. My face is freshly bruised, my eyes are red and swollen from crying, and I don't look particularly pretty today.

I wash my face with cold water to wake myself up, when I hear a ding coming from my phone. I dry my face and go to check it. I read it and see that It's a text message from Lauren. My heart starts to beat a little faster in anticipation.

Lauren: goodmorning y/n! Are you feeling ok today?

It was such a pure message it made my stomach do backflips. She's literally the sweetest girl on the planet.

And I'm lucky enough to have her in my life.

I contemplate telling her what happened, but quickly realize it's too much. There's no way I could tell her all that, she would think I'm so worthless and weak.

Y/N: morning Laur☺️☺️ I'm feeling great today, hbu

I wait for response right after I just completely lied to lauren. I feel bad lying to her but it's for her own good. And mine.

Lauren: I miss you🥺wanna hang today?

My stomach drops as I read what she sent. There's no way I can hang out with her, she'll see the gigantic bruise on my face. I force myself to make up a lie about why I can't go, but I feel so awful doing it.

Y/N: my mom is making us go to the city today, maybe next week

Lauren: oh that's ok, maybe next time

I can feel the tension through the phone as I receive her text. It's almost like she knows I'm lying.

But she can't know, right? What if she does? Oh no did I just ruin this friendship with her?


I finally make up the courage to ask Y/N to hang out again, and I get butterflies as soon as I do. I see the three dots and get excited as she's typing. My heart drops a little when I see what she wrote.

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