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Hi guys I have another question for you! I was thinking about having a question before each chapter, lemme know if you would like that. Ok, do you guys want more cute moments between Dani and Y/N or Lisa and Y/N?

Lauren's POV:

I had never seen Lisa so angry before. Whenever anyone mentions Brian's name, she tenses up. It's silent on the car ride home, except for when she checks on me. Constantly. And I mean constantly.

I shift uncomfortably in my seat, because the heater is on too high. She notices and turns her head, immediately getting a soft look on her face.

"Are you ok, Laur? Do you need me to stop somewhere?" Lisa asks with worry in her voice.

"No, Lise, for the millionth time I'm fine. It's just a little too hot in here." She rushes to turn the cold air on and looks at me reassuringly.

"I'm sorry, I just feel so bad. What if he killed you?"

"He wouldn't have killed me." Y/N gets tears in her eyes as Lisa continues to rant about my death.

I hold Y/N's hand and move to whisper in her ear.

"Don't worry, baby, Lisa gets really protective sometimes. I wouldn't have gotten killed. I'm safe right here with you." This seems to ease her mind a little bit, as it's flooded with guilt about Brian.

We stay quite for a couple minutes, until Lisa brings up a good point.

"How are we gonna tell Christina? I can't imagine how angry she's gonna be." She shakes her head as she keeps her eyes on the road.

"I'll leave that up to you, Lise. My black eye is telling me I can't speak to her." Y/N chuckles a little, which makes me smile.

"Very funny. Do you really think I'm taking all the heat for this? Christina is going to need someone to be her punching bag, and it's not going to be me." Lisa chuckles.

"Is she going to be r-really mad at me?" Y/N's voice is barely above a whisper.

"Oh, no, baby. Don't worry, she won't be mad at you. She's gonna be mad at your dick of a step dad." Lisa gasps as I say this and whips her head back to face me.

"Lauren Christine Cimorelli!"

"Hey, you said fucker."

"Well, that was in the heat of the moment."

"I won't tell Christina if you won't."

"Deal." Lisa turns back around and continues driving.

"He is one big motherfucker isn't he?" Y/N whispers.

Lisa and I both look at each other and erupt into laughter, making me forget about the traumatic night for a second. Y/N joins us and starts quietly chuckling to herself.

"Y/N, I don't think I've ever heard you curse before." Lisa says while still laughing.

"Yeah, it's a rare occurrence. I'm the swearer of this relationship." I look into Y/N's eyes and she smiles at me, which gives me butterflies.

After what seems like forever, we finally make it back to the house.

"Ok, so remember, all Christina knows is that something happened that made you go to the hospital. She doesn't know why and we have to tell her calmly, ok?" We all nod at Lisa and quietly file inside.

To my surprise, Christina is pacing back and forth in the living room, muttering to herself. As soon as she sees me with a black eye and a sling around my arm she rushes up to me.

It Was Always YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora