"Barrows, Barrows..." he muttered talking to himself "no this wont do, ah yes" he picked up three boxes and put them out on the counter. Taking one out of a purple box he handed it to Sierra "Give it a wave"

"A wave?" Sierra asked confused 

"Yeah just flick it" Cedric said giving her a small smile. Sierra nodded and flicked the wand, some flowers in a vase lit on fire as she did so. Did she do that? Her mind was still trying to swallow the whole magic situation. 

The fire was quickly put out by the old man and he took the wand back from her, opening up a black box he took out a dark wand with silver details. " Try this one" he said handing it to Sierra.

Nodding she flicked it, the lights began to flicker and the ground shook a little before the wand began to glow. "Just as I thought" The old man said putting the two other wands away. "It chose you"

"It didn't feel like it" Sierra admitted looking at the wand in her hand, was the ground going to shake every time she messed with it? In that case she wasn't too sure about wanting a wand. The man laughed at her frightened expression.

 "That right there my dear, is a 10 inch English Dark Oak Wood wand with a Phoenix core with unbending flexibility. Wands made out of dark oak wood are hard to tame which is why the ground shook, the phoenix core is a powerful core, although your wand is on the short and stiff side it means you will be able to be precise with powerful spells" He explained. 

"With a wand like that you show promise" A voice said from behind her, turning around Sierra's eyes met with those of a tall blonde man his hair was basically white. He was holding a walking stick and he was dressed quite elegantly. Standing on his left there was a young boy who seemed to be around her age with the same hair color. "I didn't know you had a daughter Mr.Diggory"

"Oh, Lucius! how are you, this isn't my daughter this is Miss. Barrows, the ministry sent me to help her turns out she was misplaced" Mr.Diggory explained, before she could ask what he meant by that Lucius interrupted.

 "Barrows? Sounds familiar, are you pure or half, child" He asked looking down at her, something about his gaze made her uneasy. 

"I don't know what that means Sir" she replied innocently as she looked over at Cedric confused. 

"Ah I see, It's a pity you were misplaced, I guess we will find the answer to my question depending on how you can handle yourself with that wand." He gently pushed his son towards the counter and the old man began to look for a wand. 

Mr. Diggory and Lucius had a small conversation before it was time to go. "Nice to see you again Mr.Malfoy" Cedric said as he walked out the door.

 Sierra followed behind him "It was nice meeting you Mr. Malfoy" she said walking out behind Cedric. "Mr. Diggory what did you mean by misplaced? And what is pure and half?" Sierra asked curiously earning a sympathetic look from Mr. Diggory.

 "You were misplaced into the muggle world. Erhm- non magical people if you will, when your mother passed you should have been taken to an Orphanage in the magical world where they would have tried to find your father or adopt you out to a magical family." He said fixing his tie.

Cedric jumped into the conversation. "There are three ways a wizard or witch can be born, two muggles can make a magical child, it's not so common but it happens, they are called muggle borns. A muggle and a wizard or witch can also make a magical child which is called a Half Blood and if both of your parents are magical you would be known as a Pureblood." Cedric explained to her as he walked beside her. Sierra nodded finally letting things sink in.

 "Wait so my mother was magical?" Sierra asked looking over at Mr.Diggory. 

"Yes dear your mother's name was Madelyn Barrows she graduated from Hogwarts, I don't recall most of her information from your file but I'm sure you can find out more at Hogwarts."

Satisfied with the answer they continued to shop for items that were needed for her first year along with the items Cedric needed for his third year. Mr. Diggory had explained to her that since the Ministry had failed to place her in the right system they would be paying her school expenses, she would have her own safe in the bank and the Ministry would deposit a certain amount per year for her to buy her yearly supplies along with money for two yearly Hogsmade trips which Cedric happily explained it was like a field trip. In the safe there was also money left from her mother, she wasn't rich but she would have enough to be comfortable buying clothes and things apart from the necessities. 

Mr. Diggory dropped her off back at her house at the end of the day, Mrs. McGarth had an empty suitcase ready for her. Sierra packed all of her things into the suitcase which was honestly a little bit bigger than she had thought. 

The next day Sierra woke up with mixed feelings, going to the school her mother had graduated from would be interesting and it excited her but at the same time she didn't want to leave. She waited ten years for anyone to love her but now she had to leave? She tried to think of the positives, she would be home for the winter and the summer so she would be able to be with them then. 

Sierra put on the uniform and ran a brush through her long brown hair, once she decided she looked presentable she went downstairs to meet with her parents who were still rather quiet. She ate something quick for breakfast and then got loaded up in the car. The ride to the train station and platform was oddly quiet. They spent a good time trying to figure out where platform 9 3/4 was. Suddenly they saw a red haired boy run into the brick wall and he just disappeared? "Did you guys see that?" Sierra asked walking over to the wall curiously.

 "I think you have to go in there" Mr. McGrath said.

Finally breaking the silence Sierra spoke up "I really don't want to go, I want to stay here with you guys, my family" she said with a teary eyed smile. 

"Sierra I need you to listen to me this is very important" Mrs. McGrath said placing Sierra's bag next to her and putting her hands on Sierra's shoulders. "When you go, don't leave Hogwarts, don't come back ,we won't be here and whatever you do don't try to find us" She said with a stern voice squeezing Sierra's shoulder's a little too hard.

"W-what?" Sierra said as her mind blew a blank, where they leaving her? How? She had done everything how she was supposed to, she did everything how she was told too and she had tried to be perfect for them. Had she not been good enough? Feeling hot tears rush towards her eyes she struggled to speak. "I'm sorry! Give me one more chance I'll do whatever you guys want just please don-" She was interrupted by a shove that sent her back against the wall. "Then don't come back" where the last words she heard before she hit the ground. Looking up at the brick wall now standing in front of her. She ran her fingers over her now bloodied palm as silent tears made their way down her face.

So that was it? Everything she had gone through, for nothing at all?

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