Memphis Matinée

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Full Name: Memphis Matinée (formerly Memphis Rane)Nicknames: Memphy, FifiAlias: N/ATitles: The Matinée Age: 32Species: MetahumanHometown: BostonAccent: They speak like you'd expect a Vegas showman to, with rich flourishes and an elegant tone

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Full Name: Memphis Matinée (formerly Memphis Rane)
Nicknames: Memphy, Fifi
Alias: N/A
Titles: The Matinée
Age: 32
Species: Metahuman
Hometown: Boston
Accent: They speak like you'd expect a Vegas showman to, with rich flourishes and an elegant tone

Superpowers: Light Orb/Ray Generation: They can make light appear wherever they like
Shapeshifting: they can appear like different people, but only if they've seen their front and backside (clothed of course, otherwise this could get weird)
Vocal mimicry: they can sound like someone they've talked to for ten minutes
Super-Weaknesses to those Powers: The light is only as bright as a stage spotlight and can only appear in five spots within a twenty foot radius. Each point radiates out from a central point. Their eyes shine gold when they use the power, so there's no hiding that it's them. It's not harmful light

They can only appear as people though. Anyone made of different materials or with extra appendages cannot be mimicked. They will appear in the clothes the person wore when they saw them. The effect is only for two hours

The vocal mimicry can only last two hours without wearing out their voice. It rubs their throat raw and the deeper or higher the voice, the longer it takes for them to recover, up to two days. If they go any longer than two hours, they may lose their voice entirely for three days
Non-Super Abilities: They are a charismatic reporter with the ability to improvise an interview on the spot if needed. They hide their true feelings well
Non-Super Weaknesses to those Abilities: They aren't past petty revenge and do have some tells to their temper
Weapons/Tools/Misc Equipment: A microphone and recording device (for radio interviews), a notepad and pen (for online papers), a camera (for good photos, obviously)
Overall Skill in Combat: Oh no they don't do that

Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral. They're out for their own gain for the most part, but will award people they find entertaining
Polar Alignment: Citizen
Current Relationships: none
Loyalties: Paycheck and Fame, The Prestige, their Dads

Hair Color: Black curly hair in a pompadour
Eye Color: Hazel, sometimes gold
Height: 5'6"
Body Type: hourglass
Typical Civilian Outfit: usually in a suit, but will settle for a plaid vest and polo shirt
Alias' Costume: n/a
Tattoos/Scars/Birthmarks/Etc: no matter what form they take, they always have a freckle on the center of the back of their left wrist, just visible even in a long sleeved shirt

Mental Health: Well, though too much pressure at work really gets to them
Wealth: Not very wealthy yet, actually. They tend to spend what they earn outside of necessities on improving their brand
Religion/Belief System: Atheist
Thoughts on Metahumans: Is there really much of a difference between metahumans and humans aside from Ultimatum?
Anything you'd like to add: They are non-binary
Are you public about your identity: Yes, there's no need to hide
Backstory: Memphis Matinée isn't their birth name. They chose it after cycling through foster care over and over until, finally, someone chose them for who they were, not for who they tried to be. Matinée is a mixture of Renée and Mattings, the surnames of their adopted parents.

Their powers formed in a pretty dark time of their life, before they were adopted. They wanted to be picked for good, and found that they could take on features of those they were around for a long time. Maybe if they looked like them, maybe if they acted like them, maybe if they spoke like them, then maybe, just maybe, if they acted like the perfect showstopper, they'd seem like part of the family. After literal years of this crushing way of thinking, along came the Renée-Mattings. They weren't married yet, but they might as well have been. Memphis started with their parlor tricks, their shining lights, practicing their theatre performances for them. They'd been through houses before. Everyone wanted a kid they could show off. But the Renée-Mattings were different. It was the first time someone told them they didn't have to do all that to be loved, that they would be loved anyway. It was the first time Memphis truly loved a family back.

The Renée-Mattings are an interviewer and photographer for The Prestige, a magazine featuring the latest and greatest shots of heroes and exclusive interviews regarding the photos, and Memphis had their own merit from years of working on school newspapers. It was the perfect legacy for them to join.

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