Chapter 31

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Eren POV

When I wake up, I'm being woken by Levi's mother. She's holding my fisted hand and shaking me awake. I look to the clock. It's the middle of the night. What the bedazzled fiddlesticks? (I've already coined this term, o don't care if you think it's strange) I feel the weight begin to shorty on the bed. The arm wrapped around my waist pulls me up and my back hits up against something.

"Mom, why'd you wake him up? He was so peaceful."

I just sigh out loud and get up. Levi tried to stop me, but I get away this time. I go to get a change of clothes, and that's when he speaks up.

"Where are you going?"

I walk to the bathroom, "For a walk." I grab the door, "Alone."

I close the door and lock it before Levi can stop me. I unball my fist and look at the note. My eyes widen as I recognize the handwriting. I quickly shower and change into the clothes I took out. I hear the banging on the door fading, signaling Levi giving up. I unlock the door and walk out, expecting to see Levi, but I don't. I shrug my shoulders. He's probably mad at me...I'll talk to him when I get back, I epoh he'll understand. I then walk out of the door.

Levi POV

I give up. I'll never be the only thing he'll care about. He'll never truly love me. What am I saying, he belongs to me! No, that's wrong, he still has feeling too, I have to think about that. The only feeling he should have should be for me. He deserves a bit of freedom, I can last a little bit without his gorgeous face, soft hands, mesmerizing eyes, his melodic I can't, what if he gets hurt? What if someone hurts him?! I should trust him to come back safely. How long has it been since he left? THIRTY WHOLE SECONDS?! He could be dead, what am I doing, I need to go after him.

Eren POV

I run to the place where the note said to meet up. Once I get there, I'm out of breath because I'm out of practice. I put my hands on my knees to catch my breath.

"I'm *pant* here *pant* Armin." I breathe more than say.

Armin turns around to face me, "I'm sorry it's so late."

I wave my hand in an 'it's fine' manner. Armin smiles before walking towards me and embracing me in a hug.

"I missed you, Eren."

I slowly return the hug, "I missed you to?"

The hug ends, and Armin's hands are on my shoulders. We look into each other's eyes for no particular reason, but then tears leak out of Armin's eyes. The hands are swept off my shoulders to fail at hiding the tears.

"Armin? What's wrong? Are you ok? Did something happen? What do I-"

"I shouldn't be crying, I let it happen."

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, even though I'm supposed to be helping my distraught best friend, "What did you let happen?"

Armin stops crying, and lets out a few sniffles before drying the pools of blue. I'm given the saddest smile I've ever seen in my entire life, and the biggest blatant lie I have ever been told.

"It's nothing, I'm fine."

"Bullsheep Armin! I understand if you don't want to tell me, but I'm your best friend! I came out all this way in the dead of night because you asked to see me! Don't lie to me with your emotions. If all you want is just the comfort of another person I'll gladly give it to you, but I don't want you faking happy."

And with that, Armin breaks down. I just let myself get wrapped into a hug and give my best friend all the support needed for as long as needed. We sit there's for at least an hour. Armin hasn't told me what's wrong, but I don't really care. All I want is for my best friend to know I'm here, no matter what, even if I seem distant now. I'm not.

"I'm sorry, Eren, I really didn't want the first time we've met up in awhile to end up like this."

"Shut up, your mental stability is much more important you doofus."

I promise Armin I'll text as much as I can so neither of us will ever feel alone, and we know that we always have someone willing to listen. I look at the time and realize I have school in four hours. I start my marathon back to Levi's house.

I see a (insert coffee shop of your choice) and decide to get a coffee with that money I totally brought with me. They shouldn't be very busy because it's 4 in the morning. They haven't even started brewing, so it takes a little bit longer than normal, but I get my drink and I'm ready to walk back now without passing out. Probably. I'm sure it's fine.

I then get a call on my phone. Levi's home number? I pick it up and I'm met with a frantic Kuchel.

"Eren do-"

She cuts off, but the number is still on.

"Kuchel? Are you there? What's wrong? Is everything ok?"

Then I'm met with a familiar voice, "Everything's fine kitten, are you on your way home~?"

I nod.

"Words please, Kitten~"

"O-oh, yeah, right, sorry, yeah, I'm on my way."

"Good good. Just in case something happens, keep me on the line ok?"

I don't really get why, but I agree. I did kinda just run out on him with no explanation, so I'll indulge in his wishes this once. When I get to his house, the door is already open. I go in and I'm immediately picked up and brought upstairs. Levi refuses to let go of me, but in a different way than before.

"Why did you leave me?"

"I didn't leave I-"

"Why did you leave me alone?! Why did you try to escape?"

"Levi, I didn't-"

"Shut up! You had me f*cking terrified you brat! I thought you were gone!"

This seems vaguely familiar...oh no, does he have Separation Anxiety? (Disclaimer, Levi does not have, nor represent anyone who has separation anxiety, this is just Eren's very limited knowledge). I feel bad now. There's probably a reason he always wants me to be as close as I am with him every chance possible. I'm such a jerk.

"Why'd you do this to me, Eren?"

- - -

I AM SO SORRY THIS UPDATE IS LATE. I am so sorry. I want to say this won't happen again, because I honestly don't know, but I don't think it will.

Anyways, as always, have an amazing day and take care of yourself or I will do it for you. Good bye!

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