Chapter 6: Hello, Ellie

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Jane pulled into our driveway in a silver mercedes. She got out of the car and ran to me. She was wearing a red-laced and black-leathered dress. The top part was a little too showy, but I didn't say anything about it.

She hugged me very tightly and patted the top of my head. I smiled and we stayed in a hug for a few moments.

When she backed away I saw that her long brunette hair had grown even longer. It was usually straight, but today she had it in beach waves. She looked beautiful.

Her tall stature complimented the dress very well. Jane is the same height as me, but with her wearing tiny 2 inch heels she isn't as tall as me currently. I'm wearing 4 inch heels.

Jane has freckles but other than that, she has a sharp, clear face. She is very pretty.

She has dark blue eyes with a smooth nose and lips.


(Jane's dress):

"You ready to go?" She said as I nodded. 
"You haven't ate supper have you?"

"No. Wanna grab something before we go?" She said sure.

In the car on the way to the resteraunt, I turned up the music and sung along. Me and Jane hasn't hung out in a while. It's been lets see... About 4 months. We'd never had the time. We're both busy with school and she works a part-time job babysitting. We just never have the time.

When we arrived at the resteraunt we sat down at a table and waited for the waiter.

He came around a few minutes later and apologized for the wait. Whenever he got a good luck at us, he smirked.

"How are you beautiful ladies, on this lovely evening." He emphasized the word beautiful.

"Good, thanks." She looked at the server and smiled.

"What can I get y'all today?"

"Some white wine for me, please." I said still looking at the menu, trying not to make eye contact with him.

"And for the other gorgeous girl?" He looked at Jane and smiled.

She smiled back and told him she wanted the same.

"And what would you like to- eat -tonight?" He said.

"The basil and garlic spaggetti with extra meat balls and grated mozzerela on top please. And garlic and stuffed cheese breadsticks please. With marinara sauce."

"So..." He said. He placed a hand on my arm and started rubbing it. "Extra meatballs with that?" He smiled devilishly.

"Look you fuck-boy, I have a boyfriend. I'm not sure about her though. But even if she did and you didn't know about it, make a move if you want, but be a gentlemen about it. Don't be a fucking phsyco who flirts on every girl thats pretty or good enough looking for you to fuck and not give a shit about. Do me a favor and just put our order in and bring us our food back. And trust me when I say this, you make one more move on us tonight and I will pull a Karen and speak to your manager. I will do it. Just don't make me." I snarled my nose.

The man looked frightened like he just got caught doing something horrible. Which he kinda did.

"Now-" I said, "What would you like to eat, Jane?" My face softened some.

"I'll get the colliflower ravioli with a ceaser side salad. And whenever we finish eating we want 2 small orders of molten lava chocolate cakes with vanilla bean icecream ontop and add caramel sauce to ours."

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