Chapter 10: Lost and found Pt 3

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Woooooowww!!! There are so, so many veiws!!! 1.34K reads!! WHOOP, WHOOP!!! I wanted to say thank you so much to all of my supporters and people who have gaven my story a chance. Especially the ones who have voted for some chapters.

This chapter will be sorta fast paced, sorry, but I need to get this chapter done so I can move on to finishing this story.
*Ellie's pov*

I sit in the chair exauhsted from my chaotic day. My back aches, my legs are quivering, and my hands and arms are shaking. I try to be strong and fight my inner demons that are trying to escape and torment me.

The pep talk with Cole helped some earlier, but not very much. It put aside my fears for a few minutes, but reality came crashing back in again whenever he had to tie me up.

James blabbered alot about how Peter and his "gang"-as he described it-were coming to save me as if he thought it would be easy to beat Peter. Maybe I'm overestimating Peter, but I know that when he has his mind set on something, ESPECIALLY if it is important to him, he can and will accomplish anything.

The next thing I hear is a blow to the door. It sounds far away but also very near. Voices carry throughout the hall. Different ones. All men's voices.

I try to figure out who it is but then I hear gunfire and and a lot of banging. A lot of fist throwing and sounds like kicking and grunting. Cole left around 10 minutes ago, so he's probably out there.

I hope he is okay...

A few more bangs and pows and the door to the bedroom I'm in opens. A sliver of light escapes into the room. I have to turn my head away, it's so bright.

"I found her!" Someone shouts. It sounds like Josh.

"Josh?" I say, my voice raspy and broken. I guess I'm more weak than I thought. My eyes finally adjust to the light and I'm able to make out a figure.

Josh runs toward me and starts to untie me from the ropes and chair. Right after he finishes off the ropes, another person appears before me.

Peter walks through the door. I stand, but a little too quickly. My balance is off and I stumble, but Peter makes it to me before I fall.

*Peter's pov.*

I walk through the door and see Ellie sitting down in a chair. Black, blue, purple, and green bruises cover her body. He hair is matted and greasy.

Most of her clothes were off, leaving her in her underwear and bra. She has a black eye and eyebags underneath. He face is red and bruised some as well. She looks like she has gone through so much.

I wrap my arms around her. She bawls into my chest and puts her arms around my waist. I hold her and let her cry. I feel a tear drop down my cheek, but I don't let go of her to wipe it away.

"What happens to James?" She says between sniffles.

"We killed him, along with the rest of them. Except for one. Cole. We saw what he did for you." Josh responded.

"Can we please leave. I never want to see this place again."

I nodded. We left with smiles on our faces, glad to be reunited. We still cried though. Sad and happy tears.

When we got home I never asked for her to tell me what all happened. I knew she would one day but I didn't mind waiting. It's her decision and only when she is ready.

We held each other and never let the other one go.

"I love you so much, Ellie."

"I love you too, Peter. So much."

Well that's the end of that Chapter. I believe there will only be one chapter left. Maybe two, it really just depends. Sorry it was so short. But hey, they found eachother and are finally reunited.

Anyway, Merry Christmas!!!! I love y'all so much. Thanks for your support.

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