Chapter 9: Lost and found Pt 2

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***Picture above is Cole (Malcolm) But in the story he would just have blonde hair and goldish brown looking eyes...***

I watched some of the video. Ellie sat there scared and afraid while James babbled in front of her. He went on about him really not liking me. He said something about him being in love with Ellie. My ears perked up then.

The next thing I know I see James's hand flying across Ellie's face.

"Josh! Get over here, now!" I hollered. My voice was raspy, my throat dry. My palms were sweating.

Ellie squirmed in the chair. She cried out in pain.

My heart beat grew faster, seeing the painful video in front of me.

Josh rushes over. "What? Did you find something? What?" He looks down at the phone and my shaking hands. He slowly reaches out towards the phone and grabs it. He watches what plays next.

Josh's pov.

I grab the phone from Peter's hands and watch.

James slowly licks Ellies cheek and kisses her. My heart pounds in my chest, feeling sudden jealousy arise.

He pulls back and punches her in the face again. Then kisses her again.

"Oh damn, she taste good. Won't be the only part of her that I'll be tasting tonight." James says as he licks his lips.

Ellie looks to be in so much pain right now.

I want to hold her. To wrap her up in a blanket and lay her on my chest. I want to hear her heart beat as she lies there. I want to hung her and kiss her and tell her everything will be okay.

I knew from the moment I first layed eyes on her I wanted her for myself. But I knew I couldn't have her. I knew she could never be mine. I hid behind a wall and let Peter have her. As I should.

Peter deserves Ellie. And Ellie deserves Peter. But what she doesn't deserve, is this-this right now. What's happening to her should happen to no one.

Something even weirder happens. Ellie throws up all over herself. James jumps back in disgust, but then he laughs. He reaches down and pokes her stomach softly. He feels around with it. He smiles and laughs again. He picks her up and carries her away.

I shake my head. "What in hell is this?"

"I don't know." Peter responds. "Do you recognize the place at all?"

I shake my head again and shrug my shoulders out of aggravation.

Ellie comes back to our veiw. She gets thrown on the bed and tied up. She hollers at James to let her go but he doesn't.

James walks back to the camera.

Peters pov.

I watch as James walks towards the camera. I'm already axious enough. Just seeing Ellie like that, fragile, small, and broken, hurts me. I want to help her, to save her from the darkness but I can't. She's on the other side of a phone screen and I'm here.

James lifts something up. Three somethings. Pregnancy test. He holds them up in front of the camera, flaunting them off. All three are positive.

"Whooie, Peter. You had yourself a good'ole time, didn't ya?" James said. "Ya gotcha whore pregnant. Yep. Those are hers. All of them."

My heart sinks. I feel like the universe put a heavy bag of cement on my shoulders.

I crumple to the paved ground below me, landing on my knees. I place my hands on the rough pavement to steady myself. I breath out and in slowly.

Ellie's pregnant. With MY child. I'm going to be a father.

Trust me this is great news, but the wrong timing. It is a very wrong time for me to find out.

I'm gonna be a dad.

I raise back upon my feet to see what happens next. I'm hoping I can get a location on where they are so I can beat the shit out of James until he cries for no more.

Maybe I won't stop then. Maybe I'll just kill him on the spot. Right then and there.

But then, the worst and unexpected happens. James calls in about 4 or 5 other guys. They walk into the room with snide smiles. He wispers something to them.

James starts unbuckeling his belt. He pulls his pants down.

No. NO. This can't happen. It can't. But before I know it he's stripped naked and so is Ellie.

"No! No, no, no!" I yell out. My curses ring through the night. I look back at the phone hoping, just-hoping and praying that James is not about to do what I think he is. But he does.

He pounds into Ellie. She cries out and pleads for him to stop, but the asshole, the fucking pricky, dicky, bitch doesn't. He continues. He makes Ellie suffer.

I watch her eyes. Their motionless and cloudy, as if she has given up.

I feel tears form in my eyes. My head aches, my heart pounds, my fist clench, my feet throb, my body aches.

But Ellie doesn't give up. Not quite yet. She leans her head back and thrust it at James'es.

"You bitch!" He says. He chokes her, but finally stops when someone says something.

I still can't seem to breathe. Everything just falls down and me, but I'm still standing, hoping there is no more. But of course, there is.

Four more guys fuck her. I internally die.

***Ok so right here, Peter and Josh watch the video, and it tore them apart. Anyway, I'm not gonna repeat what happened because you already know what happened to Ellie. So now Peter and Josh have watched the entire video. They freaked out so now they are deciding what to do next and how to find Ellie. ***

"Josh, did you recognize this place at all?"

"Hm, lemme see." He watches the beginning of the video again just to see the background of where they are. He ponders for a minute.

"Ooo, they are at James house. I've been there before. Many times. Their in the.... basement. I know how to get there. It's a 30 ish minute drive from here."

"Good take us there." I reply. "I wanna make him suffer.

So, let me explain what happened y'all.

1. Ive been extremely busy these past two months with school and grades and friends
2. 2020's been a crazy year and I've had the most shittist past couple of months.
3. I am so so so so so so so so so so so sorry for not uploading another chapter these past few months. I'm honestly not shocked if you guys forgot about this story, if you did i understand. Lol.
4. After I did almost all of this chapter the writers block was real guys. And it hit me like a freaking train.
5. I should have just uploaded this chapter in November but I thought I was going to add more but I realized I should end it here.
6. This is still an ongoing book it is NOT completed yet. I will let you know when it is.
7. Good news and bad news. I like giving the bad news first so that the good news can "better the situation" ig? And make it like better and not seem so bad.

Bad news----This story only has a few chapters left, not sure how many to be exact.

Good news 1---- (I think-im pretty sure) I'm getting a computer for christmas 🎄 so I will be able to type faster than on a freaking phone (currently)

Good news 2----I will write one more chapter before x-mas.... Yay!!! Merry Christmas/Happy hollidays! Thats my present to you guys.

Good news 3----Im going to write another book after this but idk what yet. I will give you some descriptions of what I should do in the next upload. Btw my uploads/updates aren't chapters, it's just to let you know kinda what im thinking and give you important information.

Anyway, see ya next upload and especially, chapter!


Willow 🐝

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