Chapter 2 - Business as usual | Olivia

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I have missed this, the three of us shooting shit in Ella's, or my room now, depends on how you see it, just hanging out and eating Chinese. With the two of them leaving for the summer and these first few stressful first weeks of school, not much time was available for this.

"So, how's it going with the Mrs and Mr?" Mariam asks Ella and Ella instantly blush. That girl is embarrassed by anything.

"You know we are not married but to answer your question, fantastic" she answers.

"I bet it is, how many orgasms a day does mr perfect give you?" I ask her and I know I probably won't get an answer but I can always try, it's always fun to tease her and putting her on the spot. She knows I am doing it with love but it still gets to her every time.

"Liv! I am not sharing that with you guys!" her cheeks are dark red now at my question.

"So that means once a day?" Mariam jumps on my train of thought and we share a knowing look between the two of us.

"Mar! I expect this from her but not you!! Oh my god you two are so annoying sometimes" she shakes her head in a disappointed motion but I know she doesn't mean what she said.

"So, that means twice?" I ask trying to play innocent and she pretends to zip her lips.

"Oh my god, is it more than two times?" Both me and Mariam laugh at poor Ella's horrified expression which is priceless. I love the girl but sometimes she needs to take a chill pill and adjust to the American culture.

"This is getting out of hand, let's talk about something else" Ella tries hurriedly to change the subject but fails miserably.

"Of course babe, I will move my hands from each other and you tell me to stop when I am at Mac's magic wand's size" I love to tease her and as I start moving my hands but she says nothing Mariam counters with an "impressive" and the two of us starts laughing at Ella's expense again.

"Sorry Ells, I love you, you know that" she mumbles at my words and I take that as a good sign. She is at least not storming out of the place.

"Yeah, let's talk about something else now, how's the project going along?" she asks. Of course both Olivia and Mariam know everything about my project, they are also the only ones who know about my personal relationship with the coach.

"Good, I am tackling the single meetings this week, that means I have to see him, alone" they both know who I am talking to straight away.

"Liv, have you ever thought about forgiving him? He really has changed over the summer and it was a whole year since it happened" the incident Ella is referring to is when Dax puked me down during a party and told me to 'go wash up' so we could continue with what we were doing. I got mad at him and he became even more of a douchebag.

It didn't help that when I recognized a party about a month after the incident that he denied it all together first and then refused to apologize once he realized I wouldn't give up.

"Eh, let me think.." I think for a second for a dramatic effect ".. big fat no". No way in hell I am forgiving him. He has given me no reason to do so and even if he does, it is too little, too late.

"How will you handle it now that you will have to work with him then?" I shrug my shoulders at Mar's question.

"I am sure we can be civil around each other, I have a job to do and he is not getting in the way of that" they both respond with a "good" said in unison. In fact I have scheduled my meeting with Dax straight after lunch tomorrow, hoping both of us will come happy with our bellies full and therefore no argument will break out. Only time will tell if my plan works or not.

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