I wanna take you home with me

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I sat at my desk reading my little magazine talking about some people working on inventing things, my legs up on the desk and a bullet from my gun belt between my fingers as I read in the flickering golden lamp light.

I heard footsteps outside but thought little of it as people had been in and out all day delivering food and such to the prisoner we had, but bill was gone so I kept an eye on it. 

The office door opened, taking me back a second. I gently put my bullet on the table and shut my magazine, dropping it on a pile of other paperwork on the sheriff's desk looking to see who had come in the door.

It was Miss y/n, alice fletcher's daughter, well I say daughter adopted daughter alice found her wandering the desert when she was nine and took her in, she was the same age as me and I had to admit I did have a fondness for her and her... little dresses. 

She came in and looked a little unhappy, 

"Miss y/n Fletcher what a nice surprise," I smiled to her leaning my arms on the desk 

"Get ya ass up whitey" she says "and open the dam cell"

"Uughhh sorry miss y/n but mr ward ain't supposed to have any visitors" I told her "ya can leave any bake goods ya might have done with me though… that's all" 

"I didn't bake anything and I wanna take you home with me" she says 

"Yeah" I sighed "you and everyone other lady in this town but I'm sorry mam I can't let him out" I explain standing up

"I didn't say him" she says 

Then I clicked in my head exactly what she said resting my hands on my gun belts 

"Wait what did ya say?" I asked unsure I was hearing it right

"I ain't baked nothin' and I wanna take ya home with me so unlock the cell let Mr...Ward out my mama needs a word with him" she explained

"Y/n… what the hell are ya talkin' about?' I asked in shock he grabbed her rifle from her back and pointed it to me 

"Take off your gun belt" she says 

"Mam please" I began

"Now, else I'm shooting ya cock off Mr Winn" she warns I sighed and undid my gunbelt sitting it carefully on the desk "Both of them" she says so I sighed again and undid the other having a little more difficulty as it was buckled behind me putting it down too "open up the cell" she says 

"Y/n-" I began

"Do it" she says so I grabbed the keys going over and unlocking the door standing with it open "Mr ward you come on outta there, there's a horse waiting outside for ya" she says 

"Mam I-" he began

"Do it, or I'm shooting the both of ya's cocks off" she warns so he came out and wondered outside the office

"What are ya gonna do to me?" I asked a little scared she smirked grabbing a pair of handcuffs from the deputy desk coming over and grabbing my arms cuffing my wrists together tightly she smiled putting her riffle away again and she giggled a little moving under my arms standing between me and my cuffed hands smiling at me "hi whitey"

"Uhhh hi" I replied a little confused but also trying to think straight with her so close to me 

"So did you wanna come home with me or do you want me to come home with you?" She smiled playing with my hair a little 

"Uuuhh I don't know, why what's going to happen when we get there?" I asked a little scared

She giggled a little and pulling my neck down a little kissing me rather passionately I was in shock but after a couple of seconds melted in to her kisses and kissed her back her sweet sugar lips where like heaven I never wanted to stop kissing her for the rest of my life, one little kiss and my heart was beating out of my chest and she had completely taken my breath away as she pulled away she giggled a little more 

"Plenty more where that came from whitey" she giggled rubbing her hips against my own causing a rather throaty unexpected groan as she moved against me the blood rasing Around my vains from.our kiss rather instantly headed to somewhere else giving me a hard on which made her giggle "awww so soon, somebodies a little touch staved isn't he" she smiled moving closer making me back against the desk so I was almost sat on it as she continued rubbing her hips on me 

"Uughhh y/n stop it please…"

"Why? Don't you want me?" She asks pushing my stuff cuffed hands down to her arse I instantly grabbed her soft skin thought the thin dress grabbing her squishy butt groping it as I did 

"Uuhh of course I do, I just uhhh I'll uhh" I stuttered my brain refusing to work my body working on orders from the uhh other head to grope, to kiss, to fucking break out these cuffs and destroy her in bills desk. 

"You'll what whitey?" She giggled kissing down my neck

"I'll cum if ya don't fuckin' stop" he blushed she smiled and moved away out of my arms 

"Your place then, it's closer" she smirked grabbing something I didn't see from the desk and the chain between the two cuffs dragging me along with her to my little house she forced the door open and shoved me on my bed locking the front door as she did she came and kneeled over me he legs either side of my waist getting a key from her pocket and unlocking the cuffs, the second they where off I went to kiss her but she forced both my wrists onto my bed "what are you doing?" She asked

"I was...gonna kiss ya" I admit 

"Well, maybe if you're a very good boy" she smirked kissing my nose she cuffed my wrist and then used the other side to cuff around my bed frame then doing the same with a second set of cuffs she must have taken from the office "but for now, I'm going to have my fun with you whitey, and I'm gonna ride you till I break you" she smirked ...

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