I Don't Rightly Know P1

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"Oi! where are you going?" I heard Maggie yell from my door as I stood sorting my horse 

"No place," I shrug 

"Come on I need a word," she says so I sighed going in and sitting at my table with her she gave me some strew and I sat having a little of it

"what did ya wanna talk about?" I ask

"You" she says

"what about me?" 

"You and that girl"

"what girl?" I ask a little worried 

"that dam Y/L/N Girl you're so dammed sweet on" she laughs 

"Oohh her" I blush fixing my hair out my face 

"So?" she asks

"so what?" I shrug messing with my food a little

"What is going on with you two?" she asks

"Well..." I blush

"Well?" she asks

"I don't rightly know" I shrug 

"what do you mean?" she asks

"I don't rightly know what's going on between me and y/n" I answer 

"Well... what goes on when the doors are closed?" she asks 

"she'll be mad if I tell ya maggie" 

"Well, Just our little secret... what happened last night whitey?" she asks

"Well" I smirked ....

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