Winn Farm P2

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There was silence, the world still clinging to the darkness as the sunrise was yet to slip over the horizon. The caravan is dark with only the breathing of Whitey and Y/n to break the quiet. Whitey stirred holding Y/n close to him pressing a kiss on her shoulder as he spooned her, He pressed another kiss to her cheek but she didn't move. He sat up being careful as he climbed over her making sure to tuck the covers back around her as he walked into the bathroom quietly closing the door. He used the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror with a grim expression He opened the cupboard the mirror was attached too it opening with a slight creak revealing toothpaste, lotion, medicine, and other such things as well as a small travel bottle of Whiskey. He picked up the bottle-throwing the cap out the small frosted window drinking the whole bottle and then throwing the empty bottle out the window too. He left the bathroom without flushing going and slipping on some jeans and a t-shirt which made Y/n stir

"shhhh shhh shh..." He whispered to her giving her some kisses and tucking her in until she went back to sleep. He gave her one last kiss before going to the door heading out and locking it behind him. He slipped his boots on and headed over to the barn pushing open the weathered old door brushing away some cobwebs as he walked inside getting an old beaten-up motorbike made from various parts of other bikes not a single bit of it the same. He took it off its stand and walked it down the path and out onto the road walking alongside it a fairway until the farm was a good way back, He then got on and started it up heading off down the empty streets.

Whitey arrived at the little town of La Belle with old battered buildings and little houses everywhere, cobblestone streets, and streetlights that hadn't worked in years. He stopped on the edge of town parking his bike before walking in past the closed shops and seeming to tiptoe past the Sherriff's office. Until he reached the building with only one little light on Roy's a pawn shop of sorts with guitars, old Tv's and jewellery all in the window behind bars. He pushed open the door revealing the shop full of various dusty items and a big bin to the side full of half-broken stuff with a sign reading 'For One dollar' and a man sat at a counter flipping through an old comic book, he was chubby with a long grey bread but no hair.

"Morning Whitey"

"Mornin' roy, how's business?"

"Shit. How's things with you?"

"Ohh ya know, bullshit" He sighed coming to lean on the counter

"How's the wife?"

"Fine, excited"

"I bet she is. It's in the back I'll grab it for ya in a sec"


"Actually Whitey. while you're here?"


"I need a word with you"

"Alright, hit me"

roy glanced around nervously "Sheriff's been sniffing around"


"so? What do you want me to do about it?"

"Nothing. He can sniff all he want's something else will come up soon and he'll stop worrying about it"

"fine, then what the fuck am I meant to do with-" Roy began but the door opened to an older man struggling to walk, Both Whitey and Roy were silent as the man walked slowly through the shop picking up an old wooden walking stick, he came to the counter sitting it down roy took the mans money and gave him a receipt, and the man took the stick using it to slowly walk back out the shop and down the street. "... What do you want me to do with her?"

"Frankly. I don't give a shit." He says "do what you want with her, Can I have my parcel now?"

"Yeah" roy nodded going to the back room and returning with a large parcel wrapped in brown paper "Not sure why you made me keep it?"

Whitey Winn One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now