Fire Hazzard

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I yawned sitting up a little in my chair as Bill got back

"Afternoon Whitey" He sighs

"Afternoon Bill" I yawn

"You tried?" he asked

"yeah, little bit" I sigh

"Y/n keep you up last night?" He asks

"No, I'm just tired been trying to workout what I'm doing for y/n for Christmas this year" i sigh

"Any idea's yet?" he asks

"Uhh dresses, little hair things, not really much stuff" I shrug

"You should probably get home to her" he says

"Yeah, see ya later bill" I smile getting my jacket and going of home as soon as i opened the door and noticed, our tree up in the corner and lots of Christmas decorations and lots of candles everywhere "Y/n" I complain as I shut the door

"Hello whitey" she giggles "I missed you" she smiles coming and kissing me

"Y/n what have ya done?" I ask looking around the house

"I decorated for Christmas" she smiles

"yes put you have put candles everywhere near trees and decorations!" I tell her

"so?" she asks

"Fire hazards" I tell her

"Ohh its okay I'm here" she smiles

"yeah but what If I wanted to take ya out or somethin'?" I ask her

"we can blow them out" she giggles

"I would rather you be blowing something else?" I smirk

"Naughty boy whitey" she giggles

Whitey Winn One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now