Steal Horses, Six Shooters And Syren Sting P1

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It seemed like a lifetime since this shit started. Looking back at it all it sounds a lot like a rather shitty movie. Or perhaps an adaptation of a Netflix show. 

It all started back in some backwater berg my daddy shipped me off to when I was seventeen I got home from market one day and the farm boy who owned the house was dead on the wooden floor. 

"Evening Missy" He smirked to me 

"what the Hell do you want?" I asked 

"Now little lady I just came over to ask ya some questions," He says 

"Yeah about what frank?" I asked 

"Old Makies barn over there seems full of some uhh let's call it less than pharmaceutical stuff missy, and I come over to find Makie dead, and your big brother ran off seems like your the only one accountable," he says 

"You don't believe I did it?" I complained 

"Well who else missy? Now you gonna come along quietly or am I gonna have to force ya pretty but down to the station" he smirked grabbing my arm 

"get the Hell off me!" I yelled punching him hard knocking him out I grabbed my bag and his keys, I stole his little cop car and ran it as far to the border as the puppy would go before it killed over. I dumped the car and headed on foot to the next town some bumfuck town with some little bar I went through the wooden doors and walked up through the madness of truckers, biker boys, drunks and cowboys. I sat at the bar and the barkeep looked at me

"what'll it be Girly?" He asked 

"What kinda shit you boys drink down here?" I asked 

"Whiskey, We call it Syren Sting down here," He says "Pay up," he says I sighed realizing I didn't have any money I sighed getting off the bar and going outside to have a cigarette 

"What the hell you guys! where's my singer, you little bitches? How are we meant to go on without a singer!" some guy yelled at the back door and I smiled 

"hey, You boys need a singer?" I asked leaning on the door 

"You know what she'll do," he says "Get on with the other boys, and I'll give you your cut when you're done," he says 

"Deal" I smiled going out as some of the other guys went on the stage 

"Hey? what's your name anyway hun?" he asks

"Angel" I smiled.

Once I grabbed my money I went to the bar getting a drink looking for a ride out of town I downed my glass and looked around the dirty place, I looked for anyone who I thought could help me and but as I was looking I heard a police car roll up outside. I ran to the little bathroom that was purely a room with a broken toilet and sink, I locked the door and saw man passed out on the floor I grabbed his keys and his checked overshirt slipping the shirt on and the keys in my pocket, I grabbed his wallet taking what little money was left, as well as taking his hat coming out the bathroom as people began to get suspicious I walked out keeping my head down
"Hey! It's her boys!" I heard Frank tell so I unlocked the car with the key it flashing up in the car park so I ran jumping in as fast as I could sticking the key in and rushing off as fast as I could even if they where trying to chase me.

I managed to shake them and I stopped off in some little place as the car was about out of fuel anyhow. I parked up throwing the key in the seat and going inside, the place was almost empty maybe two old men sat at the car, the jukebox playing something gently in the background. A man who looked about one hundred severed drinks at the bar but my eyes met someone else.
He was young looking but still older then me. His brown pants so tight to his body they hugged his every curve even if the slender kid hadn't got many curves to start with, his loose button down hung off his slender body two six shooters holstered to his legs, a glass of whiskey in his hand, a speckling of facial hair above his lip, his dirty blonde hair a long mess, a hat beside him as he drank leaning his elbow on the bar as he perched his skinny little butt on the barstool. His skin plastered in three years of dust and dirt and as I entered the place his brown eyes looked at me seeming shocked biting on his lip a little as he looked at me
"Something worth looking at cowboy?" I asked
"Don't know, not often a little thin' like you comes thought 'ere," he smiled at me "drink?" He offered
"You paying?" I asked
"I might" he shrugs
"Syren sting, double if you can" I smiled going over standing beside him at the bar as the bar man made my drink
"What's a little thin' like you doin' all the way out here?" He asks me
"Whats it to you?"
"Curious is all"
"Circumstances" I answered
"what's ya name anyhow?" He asks as I got my drink
"Angel" I smiled
"Angel?" He asks "there a last name to that or?" He asks
"Just angel" I smiled "how about you?"
"Whitey, whitey Winn." He smirked
We sat for a while just chatting and laughing having a few drinks, we must have been here a few hours just having drinks and talking.
"So tell me Mr Winn? What's a pretty boy like you doing in a place like this?"
"I've always been here," he shrugs "why ya thinkin' of stayin'?" He asks
"Doubt it" I laughed
"Really? Not even for a little while? Just maybe a night or so?" He offered suggestively "I know a great little place in town"
"Yeah? Would this little place also happen to be somewhere your gonna be staying tonight?" I ask
"Maybe" he shrugs having a drink as he did I heard the start of sirens and I got worried but then I figured it, if I let he cops get Infront of me, they won't be following me as much
"Sure, let's Go then" I smiled and he almost coughed on his drink
"Wait really?' he asked a little excited and I nodded downing my drink "come on then angel" he smirked playing the bill and grabbing my hand tugging me out with him, I made sure I had my stuff and got in his little car with him he raced off clearly excited as the cars pulled over at the bar, but one was clearly smarter and began to follow us without a siren "if that guy following us?" He asks as he kept checking his mirrors as the car got closer and closer and whitey sped up each time trying desperately to get away from him but he suddenly rammed the back of the car "yeah he's definitely fuckin' following us" he complained "what the hell's he followin' us for?" He asked  "they turn up at the bar how there followin' -" he began almost talking to himself but it clicked "there after ya, aren't they?" He asked
"You could say that" I sighed
"That's why he's following us?" He asks and I nodded and he sighed kicking it up a few gears "I'll loose him, the second we do your gettin' out angel" he warns
"Why?" I asked rather annoying
"Strangely enough angel I don't wanna be found in the car with some chick who's got police chasing her" he complained
"Ohh relax" I said as the cars sirens started
"What the fuck did ya do angel?" He asks as more cars began to follow us
"I didn't do anything!" I agrue
"Yeah! Ya didn't do anythin' that's why where about to get royalty fucked by these dickholes!" He argued
"Don't you trust me!"
"I've known ya three fuckin' hours most of which I was drinkin' so maybe start givin' me some actual answers" he argued as he sped up more trying to avoid them
"Look I didn't do anythin' the dick hole sherrif framed me! All because I wouldn't fuck his son okay! I didn't do anything just loose them!" I yelled as they got closer and more violent one even ramming the back end of his car
"Hell no! Ya might be cute as fuck angel but I'm not gettin' arrested for ya!" He complained
"Why not!"
"Because I'm the fuckin' deputy okay!' he yelled
"What!" I asked
"I'm the deputy for the country okay! Some sherrif finds me transporting a criminal in gonna get the fuckin' rope" he complained
"Your not gonna get caught trust me" I told him
"Fine what do ya wanna do?" He asks as the rammed us again
"Hard left next opening," I told him
"That's a one way street!"
"Ya think I give a shit"
"Fine" he sighed doing as I had told him I gave him a couple more instructions loosing more of the cars till I spotted a layby so I turned the wheel making us almost skid Into the dark tree filled layby and I turned the engine off getting my breath back, I always love a good chase.
"Whoa..." He says
"What?" I laughed
"Is it weird I kinda liked that?" He asked
"Like what?" I asked
"Getting chased? The high speed! The lightning quick moves! The thrill! The energy" he explained "I don't know..."
"Don't worry whitey I do too"  I giggled unclipping my seatbelt and sitting on his lap wrapping my arms around his neck
"You wanna tag along with me a little while?" I offer
"I don't know angel..." He says
"It'll be alot more of that likely some more fun stuff" I smirked kissing down his neck
"Ya know what... I'm sick of this bullish little town, fuck it I'm comin' with ya angel" he smirked
"Good boy whitey" I smiled "you wanna make out in the back till the heats off?" I asked
"Fuck yeah" he nodded

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