Chapter 20: Levi Ackerman

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Levi POV:

I wouldn’t be surprised if Kenny came for Eren as well. I turn my attention to Erwin.

“This will be the perfect opportunity to rescue Eren and bring down Kenny’s group.” We were outside of a huge building. It looked like a warehouse but it could be entirely different on the inside. I don’t like how we’re walking into something without knowing how many casualties there’ll be.

Soon enough we were heading into the building. The only one’s unarmed were Mikasa and Annie. Armin and Sasha stayed in the second van. My entire squad along with Hange’s surrounded the two girls. They were going to grab Eren and carry him out under our protection.

As soon as we opened the doors we saw guards. I immediately shot both in the chest before we went deeper into it. Damn. It’s like a maze in here. Behind every set of doors there were guards. We continued through the building before we started hearing gunshots. We can’t afford to wait them out. It’s probably whoever these guys are and Kenny’s squad.    

We burst through the doors, making Annie and Mikasa wait for us to finish up. Both groups turned to us. Shit. I immediately ran straight through the middle of the room, taking out a number of people. There’s so many. I grabbed a relatively big man and used him as a shield just in time. He’s dead but can still be useful. 

I used the man as cover before we cleared the entire room. I regrouped with both squads. “Were there any casualties?” Hange nodded.

“Looks like Oluo and Gunther both died.”

“Tch. We have to keep moving.” She nodded.

We grabbed Mikasa and Annie and opened another set of doors.

Eren POV:

I woke up to someone removing my restraints. “Kenny?” He smiled.

“You're lucky you have some worth to you brat. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here. But damn, they really did a number on you.” I mumbled a thanks before nearly falling over. Damn. I won’t be able to walk like this. Kenny seemed to understand and threw my arm over his shoulder.

“Let’s get out of here.” I nodded before my vision started blurring again.

Annie POV:

We walked into a room with two people in it. Shit. This is bad. It’s Reiner and Zeke. They were unarmed and Levi tried to run up to them but Zeke hit him in the jaw. Levi spat. He jumped on Zeke. Reiner looked like he was going to help but then he saw me. “Annie? Why the hell are you helping them?” I couldn’t answer because Mikasa was already on top of Reiner. She was yelling pounding on Reiner before she went flying.

Half of the people who were supposed to protect us went after him. Hange included. They’re gonna get killed. I heard gunshots and turned to see Levi standing over a motionless Zeke. No way. He killed one of us by himself? Who the hell is he? There were barely any people left on Reiner. He had killed a bunch already.

He had grabbed Hange but before anything else could happen, I heard two more gunshots. He just killed Reiner as well. I cannot fight this guy.

Just then someone walked in through the doors we were about to go through. It was Traute followed by Kenny, he was dragging a barely conscious Eren. Shit… what the hell did they do to you? He had blood leaking from his eyes and ears. Even more was coming from all the cuts all over his body. They were everywhere, on his thighs, calves, arms, and chest. But the most blood was coming from his left hand. I stared in horror at his hand. It was split between his middle and ring fingers. His hand was split all the way down to his palm rejoining at it's base. Both sides swayed unevenly. When one half went forward the other half went back, I watched as both halves met and separated continuously.

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