I dragged the trunk down the stairs, holding Squidge in my left hand. Tonks came hurrying over to me, and dug her wand out of her cloak. She muttered a simple spell, and my trunk became pocket-sized. She quickly stuffed it into her robes, taking a look at Squidge. "I suppose we can apparate with him, though I've never tried..." She trailed off, tapping her chin with her wand. Remus stepped in, taking Squidge from me. "Let's not test it. I'll send Squidge to Hogwarts tonight, and he will be waiting for you when you arrive tomorrow evening." Remus said, smiling at me. I nodded my thanks and turned back to Tonks.

"We're apparating?" I asked, excited. I had never apparated before, but I had heard quite a lot about it. Tonks nodded enthusiastically. "Please, Dora, do not splinch my goddaughter. I do only have one, you know." Remus said, chuckling. I knew he was joking, but Tonks looked at him with utter shock. "Remus, have you that little faith in my magic?" She said, taken aback. She winked at me when he wasn't looking, and I smiled.

"I shall see you tomorrow, Lizzie, unless something comes up. Please be good and get rest tonight. You have a big day tomorrow." Remus said, rubbing his temples.
"I will, don't worry." I told him, walking over to him and wrapping my arms around his middle. He hugged me back tightly, but quickly. Remus was never the very affectionate type. I took a deep breath of his sage and honey smell, and let go. "See you tomorrow, shall I?" I said, standing beside Tonks as she wrapped her arm tightly across my shoulders. "Tomorrow." He echoed, waving.

And then I was flying. Not literally, I'm not sure exactly what I was doing. I felt as though I was being pulled apart in 100 different directions. It wasn't painful, but wasn't exactly comfortable. I was keenly aware that I was falling back to earth, and my muscles tightened in anticipation.

But my feet landed perfectly on solid ground. I wrenched my eyelids open, and looked over at Tonks, who was giggling. "I'm not an amateur, Lizzie. I know what I'm doing!" She laughed, pulling me into the house that we now stood in front of.

Inside, I heard someone in the kitchen. "Mum, we're back!" Tonks called, stopping just inside of the doorway and grabbing my shoulders.

"Have you ever met my mum, Lizzie?" she asked, and I shook my head. Tonks sighed, looking over her shoulder again. "Well, you know she's Bellatrix Lestrange's sister, correct?" She asked. "Yes...Tonks, what is it?" I asked, standing on my tip toes to see over her head. "Don't be alarmed, alright? She...well, she looks like her. Bellatrix. I know that Bellatrix...well, just don't be alarmed." Tonks finished, looking nervous. I took a deep breath to prepare myself.

Nothing could have prepared me for meeting Andromeda Tonks. She looked so like her sister, except that her eyes were friendly and not malicious. Her hair was light brown, almost the color of Tonks' hair right now. Her appearance still sent a chill running down my spine, and I took a few steps back before I stopped myself. Her eyes looked sadly at me.

"Hello Elizabeth. I'm Andromeda. I'm...sorry if I startled you." She said, and her voice was like honey. It was only when I heard her speak that I was keenly aware that I was not hearing Bellatrix. In fact, I'm not sure if I would know what Bellatrix sounded like, but I always imagined a gloating, jeering voice. Andromeda's voice was nothing like that. I let out a breath and took a tentative step toward her.

"H-Hi. I'm--I'm sorry, about that. I didn't mean..." I trailed off, not sure exactly how to describe my reaction. Andromeda smiled warmly at me, nodding. "No explanation needed. I understand. Come, I've made pumpkin tarts."


Andromeda was not like her sister. Hours later, she, Tonks and myself sat in the common area, smiling and talking about Hogwarts and the fun things it offered.

"I hope you're a Hufflepuff, Lizzie. I know you'll probably get Gryffindor, like your dad. However, I know it would just kill Remus if I could claim you in my house!" Tonks grinned, malevolently.

"Knowing my luck, I'll be in Slytherin." I moped, rolling my eyes. Tonks quickly looked over at her mother, laughing loudly. My eyebrows knit together in confusion as Andromeda chuckled quietly. "Not all Slytherins are bad..." She said, and the pieces of the puzzle came together in my head.

"No...you're not...I'm so sorry! Andromeda, I had no idea!" I said quickly, embarrassment in my voice.

"Quite alright. I suppose You Know Who has given us quite a bad reputation. Did you know Merlin himself was a Slytherin?" She asked, her eye twinkling. I shook my head as Tonks finally stopped laughing.

"My bet is still on Gryffindor, Lizzie. Unless you're more like your mother than we know." Tonks said, wiping her eyes.

"She is. Very much so." Andromeda said, smiling softly at me. I gasped out loud, grabbing Andromeda's hand before I could stop myself.

"You knew her? My mum?!" I asked, squeezing her hand. "What was she like? Remus hardly talks about her at all."

Andromeda smiled with fondness. "She was...incredibly bright. She was a very powerful witch. She was one of the most compassionate and understanding person I knew...She knew of Remus' lycanthropy before anyone else at Hogwarts did, because she was able to piece it all together. She always gave people the benefit of the doubt...even when others didn't. She was a fiercely loyal friend." Andromeda said, and I felt my eyes stinging. I sighed, releasing her hand and sitting back in my chair.

"How...how am I like her?" I asked, in a small voice. Andromeda smiled. "You have her passion. She was just like you, in that aspect. And if what Remus says is true...you do have her particular brand of anger, when the need arises."

I smiled to myself, chuckling. That's what Remus had said just a few days ago. More and more of the puzzle that was my parents was coming together. I was trying so desperately to know them through other peoples' accounts.

"Time for bed, Lizzie. You'll never know what house you'll be in if you miss the train!" Andromeda said, and I nodded, already feeling tired. As I laid down in the spare bedroom and closed my eyes, a woman with reddish brown curls much like mine smiled at me from behind my eyelids.

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