"Jealous.. of what?" I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him

He let out a half sigh, half giggle
"This 'ere".. he said moving his index fingers up and down "'s all yours..And you don't even have to fight to have it, you're privileged.."

"Oh.. well.. lucky me," I said with a little dose of sarcasm

Okay but I wondered why. Why me? I mean, of course, I knew I'm not like most birds but he can snap his fingers anytime and have anyone he wants, why was he putting me on a pedestal?

Paul insisted to show me around his new house which happened to be only fifteen minutes away by foot from where we were earlier. I could see why he was so thrilled about it - it was a three-storied house, not too big, not too small. The yard seemed pretty small unless there was another part of it behind the house, but overall it looked pretty lovely. Paul stopped in front of his dark red door and turned his head towards me

"You ready?" he said, a huge grin on his face

I nodded and giggled silently. He was excited as if he was about to show me the best thing in the world. Or maybe this was it for him, new town, new people, designing a house starting from scratch, big independence in a way. His huge grin and excitement made me smile. He looked lovely and I already knew how positive he can be but this was the first time I saw him being that chuffed.

"Welcome to my home!" he said after he unlocked the door. In front of us was the hallway with its gray dilapidated walls.

"Okay, I told you everything is under construction but listen," he said as he paced in front of me pointing to the wall "Here will be my painting I told you about..and here will be my living room" he pointed to the empty room on our left side "Kitchen space here," he said as we entered the room on our right "Bathroom and all, there" he pointed to the other direction "Ah, gotta see my bedroom" he took my hand without me even realizing it and led me up the stairs. The room was definitely the biggest of them all and I wondered why, it was either the fact he loved big rooms or he wanted it to be spacious enough for him and his twelve wives in the future. But not gonna lie, the room was easy on the eye, except that white..

"..mattress?" I said confused, raising my eyebrow looking at him

"Mattress?" he repeated my words as he came closer to me "I mean.. I haven't had such intentions for today but.." he looked at me for a second, leaned in, and kissed me softly but deeply, lingering for a moment.

I've never mentioned what kind of a kisser he was. His kisses were captivating and gentle, his plum lips felt like I was swimming in a sea of feathers or floating on a cloud. Cheesy, I know, but it was the truth itself.

Not long after that, I felt his tongue parting my lips inviting me on a trip to a well-known destination, our lips melting together. He was able to put women under his spell within seconds, just by looking at them but the kissing..the kissing was another story.

First, he stared out at you followed by a gentle touch on the cheek or hand around the waist.. or hand on the nape of the neck as if he wanted to express his control-driven nature. And I've heard that from Stacey, most of the people considered Paul a rather controlling type but I couldn't say the same. He was a very respectful person, very kind and attentive but concurrently he was kinda assertive in some aspects, which was understandable - he was achieving everything he put his mind to in an almost effortless way, he did not need to put any effort to be pretty too, he just was. And he knew he possessed a huge amount of charm, charm which was starting to have a big impact on me. No wonder why he was labeled as a women's man.

"So why is that mattress here..or do I wanna know actually?" I said shaking my head

"It was here even before I was," he said and scowled "Do you think I'm that pathetic, to bring birds 'ere when we can go anywhere?" he lifted his eyebrow teasingly

"Oh, you tell me," I said indifferently "..actually.. don't" I laughed

"Don't be silly" he said as he took his cigarette box out his pocket, putting one cigarette between his lips "Yer the first one who saw this house and room"

I couldn't miss asking the thing that was popping up in my mind recently

"Why me?"

He lifted his gaze back at me and removed the cigarette from his lips "Why you..." he paused for a second "I'll smoke, come with me outside... I have a backyard, we'll sit there and I'll tell you everything you want to know"

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