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You had been living with bum for over a week now, but he didn't really leave the house since he didn't trust you yet.

Yoonbum would do anything to please you and make you feel happy like making breakfast, making sure you had everything you wanted.

But the thing you really wanted was to escape and leave him but of course he didn't allow that. He loved you way too much for any of that to happen.

"So Y/N, what would you want for dinner today? I can make (favourite food) if you want."

You looked at him and nodded slowly "yeah you can make that if you want. I do enjoy it after all..."

You gave a small chuckle and sat down at the table, fiddling with your fingers  slightly, getting a small idea in your head

"Alrighty then! You sit there while i do everything for you" he had a great big smile on his face, not letting it disappear

As you sat there waiting, you thought of poisoning him. Knowing what he was like, he was bound to have some sort of poison in the house.

(Time skip)

The food was finally done and you thanked him, giving Bum a small and soft smile.

You looked down at the dinner and you wasn't gonna lie, the food did look pretty tasted but it wasn't gonna look too tasty for him...

"Hey Bum, do you mind if I search for something to add to the food. I think it would be even better"

"Sure Y/N. Be quick though, we don't want it getting cold now do we?" He chuckled and waited for you to come back with the 'thing' that apparently made it better.

As you searched for the poison, you got another idea of putting it in another bottle so it looked like pepper or seasoning.

When you found it, you got the poison, adding it into the seasoning bottle, quickly coming back to the table.

"Alright. I got the seasoning that I think will make it even better." You slowly and hesitantly sprinkled it on his plate and all over the food.

"Mmmm this will be delicious Y/N. I'm so glad I get to eat with you like this" he started eating and you just pretended to add some 'seasoning' to your food, nodding.

"Yeah, me too. This must be a dream come true for you I guess..." you started eating as well and looked away from him

"You're right Y/N..this does taste way better..." he looked at you as he said "but it's a little too salty.."

You shot your head up and looked at him with your eyes widened slightly "I'm sorry! I really thought it would be better..."

He laughed and ruffled your hair "no need to worry Y/N! I was just saying" he gave you an innocent smile and continued to smile

(Time skip) Y/N's P.O.V

When we both had finished, I noticed how he started to become light headed and complained that he felt sick.

"I'm sure it's nothing...just go upstairs for now and rest..." I patted his back and took him to his room slowly, biting my lip anxiously

"Are you sure that 'seasoning' you put on made it better? It's just made me feel absolutely sick and light headed..." he began to slow down and fell to the ground on the last step of the stairs

I gasped and looked down at him "Y-Yoonbum?" There was no reply so I seized the chance to run downstairs and leave, quickly putting my shoes and jacket on

I opened the door that had a bunch of locks on it and mumbled "why the fuck are there so many locks! God dam it!"

I heard footsteps behind me and turned around to see Yoonbum standing behind me with a big metal bat, making me scream "Yoonbum!!"

He had knocked me out, making me fall to the ground unconscious.

End of Y/N's P.O.V

Yoonbum chuckled and gave a devilish smile, looking down at her unconscious body "oh Y/N, you really tried didn't you~?"

He dragged you down the basement stairs and got the chains, chaining you to the pole while laughing

"I'll see you when you wake up near my love~" he kissed your forehead and left, going up the basement stairs, also locking the door.

To be continued...

~OBSESSION~  {yandere yoonbum x fem reader}Where stories live. Discover now