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Your beautiful daughter was now 13 years of age and you homeschooled her, only because Yoonbum wanted that for her.

He wanted to spend a lot of time with Eun. And when I say a lot, I mean a lot-

He was very close to her and always wanted to be there for his only daughter....

It was about 4pm and you had just finished work with Eun, causing you to sigh of relief.

"Thank god that's over. It helps even more that it's a Friday!"

Eun nodded quickly and shut off her laptop, looking at you while giggling.
"Yes, that does make it helpful"

After a bit of silence, she asked:
"Oh and where's dad?"
Then tilted her head to the side in confusion.

"He went to the shops, remember? Were you that concentrated in the work?"
You chuckle and cover your mouth with your hand.

"Well duh- I'm not like you, you know"
She jokes around and gets up, making herself a drink.

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say"
You get up as well and go to the fridge, seeing barely anything in there.

"No wonder your father's gone shopping. There barely anything in here.."

You let out a small sigh and sit back down, resting your chin on your hand.

"Doesn't he go shopping every Friday? Surely we can't run out of food that easily?"

"Well, your father's a bit of pig"
You mumble and look at Eun, smirking.
"Don't tell him I said that.."

"I'm keeping my mouth zipped!"
She gets her finger and does a zip motion to her lips.

You laughed slightly and nodded
"Good girl"

After about 30 minutes later, you hear a knock on the door and you quickly sat up, going to answer it.

"Ahh finally! You're home" you smile slightly and help Yoonbum with the bags.

"I would've used my keys, but my hands were full"
He chuckled and walked in, placing everything on the floor.

He took his shoes and jacket off before going to Eun and giving her a big hug.

"My baby is getting kinda tall aren't ya?I almost can't pick you up anymore!"
He smiles and puts her back down.

"How was online school?" He says unpacking the bags filled with groceries.

"It was okay. A bit hard, but okay. Mom helped me out a lot, so that helped too"

"Your mother is a very smart woman, so it's always best that you ask her things you need help on"

He smiles innocently, putting the groceries away.

You kinda just stood there and blushed slightly, scratching the back of your neck.

"Am I now? I always thought i was stupid to be honest"

"Don't be silly baby, you're nowhere near that.."
he sounded sarcastic and soon finished putting the things away.

~OBSESSION~  {yandere yoonbum x fem reader}Where stories live. Discover now