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It had been a while since there had been incidents between you and Yoonbum.

You didn't know how to cope, so every night when Yoonbum went to sleep, you'd go into the bathroom and cry, getting a razor and cutting yourself on your wrist.

They weren't that deep, but blood did sometimes drip onto the floor...

When you'd wake up, Bum would notice and yell at you.
"Y/N, what the fuck's this?! Why do you do this to yourself, Hm? You're really trying to leave this world? Are you trying to get away from me that much?!"

He pulled on your arms multiple times, causing you to whimper and flinch.

Eventually, you stopped harming yourself and stayed in your room for a lot of the time so you didn't have to be around him as much.

He did sometimes feel bad and would help with your wounds and bandage them up which was kind of cute.

He would even trust you to be by yourself while he would go out to the shops and get the weekly shopping.

Today, Yoonbum wanted it to be a nice and calm day with no stress or fuss. He wanted everything to go smoothly and for you to not make any mistakes.

"Hey Y/N, I'm going to the shops to buy some food for our dinner later, I won't be long!"

He shouts from the bottom of the stairs.
You then replied with a soft "okay then, I'll see you when you get back.."

And with that, he left and locked the door.

Even though he trusted you, he didn't exactly trust you fully... He had every door in the house shut, and every window in the house shut.

You would always wonder where the keys might be hiding. But you never bothered to try and look, because Yoonbum would easily find out that you've been nosy and you didn't plan on getting punished anytime soon..

Y/N's P.O.V

I headed downstairs as soon as Yoonbum left and went to the kitchen, seeing a box of 'something'

I went through it and saw a bunch of sex toys, making my eyes widening "what the fu-"

I heard the door opening and quickly stood up, gulping slightly.

It turned out that Yoonbum forgot something and he walked in the kitchen, looking at me.

"Oh.. You found the toys then~"
He smirks and gives a slight chuckle, walking towards me

"I-I'm sorry.. I was j-just looking because I didn't k-know what it was... Please don't hurt me..."

He smiles softly and hugs me
"Don't worry Y/N, I wasn't gonna hurt you anyway.. It's also cute how you're blushing so hard..."

"I-I'm blushing?.. N-no I'm not.."
I pull away and feel my cheeks, also feeling myself blush even more

He chuckles once more and ruffles my hair
"You can try the toys out if you want sweetheart while I'm gone"

"N-no...I think I'll pass thank you.."

He rolls his eyes and gets what he needs to get, muttering and then leaving without saying a word.

I sigh and put the box away, shaking my head
"What a weird motherfucker..."

I went into the living room and just sat down, deciding to watch the tv so I have something to do until Yoonbum comes home.

After a few hours later, he finally fucking came back home and went straight into the kitchen, starting to make dinner for us both.

I left the living room when he came back and went in the kitchen so I could help him.

He looked at me and smiled
"Thanks for helping me sweetheart"

"N-no problem Yoonbum..."
I looked down as I helped and I hum a bit.

(Time Skip)

Me and Yoonbum had finished cooking and we sat down beginning to eat. I sat opposite him and as I ate, I could feel his eyes on me, watching every move I took.

I glance at him and tilt my head to the side confused.
"W-what's wrong?.."

He shook his head and looked down, eating.
"Nothing nothing..."
He sighed, not looking at me anymore.

I roll my eyes, not believing a word that came out of his mouth.

He got up once he was done eating and got the box with toys in it, going up to my room, chuckling.

I raised an eyebrow and finished soon after he did, starting to wash up while muttering.

In the middle of washing up, I heard him call my name

"Y/N~ Come up here for me baby, I need help with something~"

I stopped in the middle of washing the dishes and sighed, going up to my room where he was.

When I opened the door, I saw him naked on my bed and all the toys scattered around the place, causing me to look away.

"Y-Yoonbum! I-I thought you needed help with something..."
I covered my face and looked down.

"I do baby...Now stop covering your face and come in here~"
He gives a slight smirk while blushing a soft pink.

To be continued...

~OBSESSION~  {yandere yoonbum x fem reader}Where stories live. Discover now