Mauve Silk Boxers

Start from the beginning

Mako lurched back, surprise overtaken by anger as Wu pulled away, waving at a group of women who giggled at his approach.

"What took you?" One whined, handing over a cup of something pink, absolutely alcoholic.

"Yes, we wanted to discuss so badly-"

"But you weren't here!" The last followed up, pushing her shimmering red cap back to the crown of her head.

"Ladies!" Wu shook his head, "I was just soaking in the artistry of it all." He was aware of the ears pricked to his voice, tuned in to his words. Bracing himself he took a deep drink, then dove in. Gestures exaggerated in response to the rapt attention of the crowd around them. "The way they layered the color of the costumes so they shined in the grey tones. Exquisite. The plot line was fast paced and gripping. Our fair damsel as gorgeous as ever." He took a sip, glancing over as the girls blushed.

"And Nuktuk?" Baited breath waiting for his commentary.

"Brave and heroic as always." Wu declared. "Though 'twas a shame for the fellow to waste such good clothing, but all for the future of the world, no?"

And that was it. The girls began speaking over one another praising Nuktuk in one way or another, he could hear his words echoing, rippling over the crowd further and further away. A sad smile touched his face before he spotted Mako standing in the corner.

"Please do excuse me, ladies." He bowed placing his emptied drink on the tray as he moved towards his bodyguard.

"What are you doing here?" Mako's eyes narrowed, shoulder as square and taunt as ever.

Wu wanted to snipe back. But his smile remained as he leaned beside Mako, both hands placed delicately on the head of his cane.

"Would you like something to drink-"

"Not on the job."

Brows knit. "How about to mingle-"

"Can't watch the crowd with everyone in the way." Mako crossed his arms over his chest, turning towards Wu. "Why don't you go back to your adoring fans and leave me to do my job."

"Ah don't be like that!" He grinned, throwing an arm over Mako's shoulders, tugging him down to equal level. "We're buddies! I want you to enjoy yourself too."

Mako pulled free, fixing his hair, straightening his uniform. "I'm on duty."

Wu frowned. "Fine." A moment of silence between them before Wu popped right up, grin back in place. "I have to go to the bathroom. That drink went 'whoosh'!" His whole body moved in demonstration. "Right through me."

Slowly Mako inhaled, dragging a hand through his hair. "Let's go."

"Ah." Wu wilted a little as Mako strode ahead. "Yes, of course."


"So it's been two weeks since you've been in my employ." Wu threw an arm over the back of the seat, leg resting precariously on his knee. "How are you liking it so far?"

Mako stiffened, turning his head to further look out the window of the satomobile. "It's... something, Prince Wu."

"I hope so!" He crowed, leaning forward animated. "I keep trying to make it interesting for you-"

"Is that why you can't spend more than a few hours at the hotel?" Mako's voice took on a tone Wu didn't want to process.

"I'm royalty now." Wu gestured grandly. "It's my job to be seen-"

"Is it." It wasn't a question, the tone wasn't inviting.

"Well, yeah." Wu shrugged, falling back in the overstuffed seats. "My advisors told me 'Prince Wu!'" Mako turned slightly at the stuffy tone, not at all surprised to see Wu sitting with his chest puffed out, dour expression. "'It's your job to show to the world that those ruffians-'" He broke character to lean in cospiratorily, "My word, not theirs." He cleared his voice, falling back into character, finger wagging at the space before him. "'It's your job to make sure those ruffians know they haven't thwarted the Dynasty of Hou-Ting.'" He shrugged, breathing out slow, looking out the window himself. "I don't know though. Feels kind of like we have been defeated."

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