Cotton Yukata

603 29 8

Asami searched through the crowd of people, eyes straining to find her target. “Are you sure-?” She gasped as she stumbled, toe catching on a heap of blankets.

It was more difficult than she had imagined; feet weaving their way past the perilous path of debris, trash, cots, belongings, and people. The smell alone was unpleasant but the sight of how everyone was living made her heart sink. She had taken for granted being able to breathe in fresh air and move freely about on the surface; destroyed as it was.

“Yeah.” Bolin squinted, lips pursed. “They said they’d be here with- Oh!” The back of his hand snapped out to tap Asami’s shoulder a little too hard in his excitement. “There!”

Exasperated Asami peered out into the crowd where Bolin had been pointing, and now was running. “Is that a-?” she didn’t have a chance to finish as Bolin’s hand wrapped around her forearm, dragging her along.

Amidst a group of evacuees was Wu, snuggled up beside a very enamoured Grandma Yin, cuddled right up alongside him was Pema. All were laying against a badgermole.

“Bolin!” Tu crowed, standing from his own place beside Wu and Pema, greeting his cousin in an embrace. “I’m so glad to see you.” He held the larger man at a distance, taking him in. “You look like shit.” Tu grinned.

Bolin winced, gingerly touching his bruised face. “You should see the other guy.” He joked, turning a curious eye to the animal. “What’s a badgermole doing here?”

“Oh that?” Tu asked, throwing a thumb backwards. “Well, after we got them to dig us out of the train tunnels-”

“Wait,” Asami exchanged a look with Bolin, “You what?”

“-and smash those mecha Kuvira dweebs-”

“Excuse me-?” Asami’s voice went up a pitch.

“-they just kinda…” Tu shrugged. “Stayed. The other one is around here somewhere. I guess it’s for the best since we don’t know how the zoo ended up anyway.”

“The zoo?” Her voice sounded strangled.

“When everything went quiet a couple hours ago we assumed it was safe, but it’s been radio silence so Wu advised us to stay put. Did we win? Of course we won.” Tu chuckled. "You wouldn't be here if we didn’t.” Tu looked around for the first time. “Where’s-”

“Where’s Mako?” Wu had joined them, standing a bit at a distance, brows furrowed as he searched the area behind the two.

“Uh…” Asami tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “That’s what we’re here to tell you…” She turned her attention to Grandma Yin. “Mako was hurt.” She inhaled deeply. “He’s okay!” She quickly covered as Chow, Meng-Meng, and LiLing began to stand. “He asked that you remain here until it’s safe to go back out.”


Bolin held up a hand, interrupting Tu. “Mako doesn’t want any visitors.” Eyes downcast. “He even rejected me.”

“Well I’m sure he won’t turn me away.” Wu announced too cheerily, motioning to Grandma Yin. “I am royalty, after all. And his boss!” Wu added, as though an afterthought. “He can’t refuse even if he wanted to.”

“Look.” Asami’s face screwed up into a look of deep displeasure. “Prince Wu-”

“No need to try and let me down easy, Miss Sato.” Wu grinned as Grandma Yin took the offered arm, the two of them walking slowly but steadily towards Bolin and Asami. “Just lead the way to our wounded soldier and I’ll handle the rest.” He finished as he moved past them with a wave of his hand.

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