Silk Robes

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The scene before him was terrifying, his whole body buzzing with adrenaline, instincts telling him to fight, but what he wasn't sure. And dammit all he could think of was-

Dimly he became aware of Bolin behind him, offering to run away to fight another day.

Mako's body stiffened, his mind immediately jumping to Wu. Defenseless, counting on him - on them - to- "What about all the people who haven't been evacuated yet?" Fists curled, words carrying more vitriol than they should have. But spirits, didn't Bolin realize? "If Kuvira finds out that Wu is with them," Fuck. Mako knew his hand was showing right now, but who cared? "she might fire that spirit cannon at him and take them all out."

He felt the gazes being exchanged, the looks passing his way. Korra's settling on him with a realization.

No. He breathed. I'm just being self conscious. Mako decided.

And Korra settled back on a heel, "I couldn't stop Kuvira from taking Zaofu." Her words were strong, determined. Reassuring. "I'm not letting her conquer Republic City." Those blue eyes Mako used to want to get lost in now settling on him in a knowing he wanted to hide from. "The world isn't safe as long as she has that weapon."


Wu inhaled shallow, dust and debris raining down as the earth around them shuddered. He closed his eyes tight, huddling closer to Grandma Yin and Uncle Chow, trying to remember how to calm himself.

He was supposed to be leading these people. He placed his scarf over his nose, inhaled deeply and opened his eyes. Looking around. This was no time to be scared. He shook out his shoulders as the tremor faded, another rolling in right on top of it. Trying to gather himself; to rally his courage.

"Everyone, please settle down." Pema pleaded, voice carrying as she attempted to soothe the frightened evacuees. "The trains should be returning to pick us up soon-"

"Tell that mecha jerk to settle down." Someone interrupted.

"Yeah!" Someone else supplemented. "She's the one blowing up the whole city!"

"Uh..." Wu felt the dread wash over him as the train conductor climbed on the bench beside Pema, who was staring with daggers in her eyes. "I hate to be the bearer of more bad news, but I just heard on the radio that Kuvira's army has destroyed the train tracks."

The doom that settled over the crowd was tangible.

"We're not getting out of the city by rail." A pin drop could be heard.

And then it got worse as Tu joined the duo above the crowd, his face flushed with panic, sweat beading along his brow.

"Everyone!" He swallowed, inhaled hard. "I was just up on the observation deck and saw a bunch of mecha suit soldiers heading this way!"

The panic that erupted was worse than Wu expected. Everyone crying out all at once, bodies moving back and forth aimlessly as they tried to find a way out, tried to get to their families.

"Oh great!"

"The giant one wasn't enough?!"

"It's over!"

"We're all gonna get blown to bits!"

Wu felt the anxiety within him recede as everyone else around him sped up in time, it seemed. His heart calmed. With confident strides he moved to the same bench before everyone, jumping up before the crowd, squeezing himself behind the conductor and in front of Pema.

"Listen everyone!" His voice ran out, settling the crowd for a moment. "I can get us out-" He promised, feeling his stomach bottom out as the words left his lips. "If you just sit-" He grunt, wriggling and elbowing for more room. "Tight." Wu turned to the conductor, smiling kindly, "Could you step off the bench please?" He tilted his head as he implored. "It's a little crowded up here."

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