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Wu retreated further into his robe, humiliated, as Mako read the newspaper. Seeing Kuvira on the front page in all her wondrous glory was more than enough to give him a conniption, but then, on the second page, was him. A snotty, sniveling, frumpy mess in Little Ba Sing Se, Mako looking absolutely exasperated beside him.

It was just... the icing on the cake.

"Oh." He groaned, pulling the collar up and over his eyes, turning away. Not missing Mako's snort. Wu wasn't going to respond. He was humiliated, a veritable pariah now.

He'd spent so long building his image and it had crumbled around him in one, fateful day! The Spirits did not bless the Hou-Ting family any further than they could possess them, it seemed.

"You don't look that bad." Mako tried, paper crinkling in his hand as he turned back to the page. He inhaled sharply through his teeth. "I mean, it was a bad day-"

"Yes." Wu responded shortly. "It was a bad day." He turned on the couch to face Mako, anger cooling at the memory of being held not once, but twice in his bodyguards arms that day. A soft blush stole over his face. "Have you... y'know. Made up with your brother yet?"

Mako frowned, then snapped the paper back up and made a very conscious effort to ignore Wu.

"Come on, buddy!" Wu eased off the couch, tightening the sash around his waist. "You can talk to me. I didn't even know you had a brother! Why-" He laughed a little, sitting across from Mako, "Why didn't that come up in conversation?"

"You never asked." Mako shrugged, turning the page studiously, crossing one leg over the other.

Wu hummed low in his throat. Noticing Mako appreciating the silence. Trying so hard to keep it, but failing.


"Wu!" Mako finally set the paper down, exasperated.

"Sorry." The prince recoiled, hand to his chest as he took Mako in from toe to head. "Didn't realize chatting was off the list of things to do now." At the fire benders eye roll he persisted, "We had a bonding experience! We ran from an angry mob-"

"That you caused." Mako pointed out, leaning forward now.

"We successfully stowed away in a back alley like vagabonds-" Wu's ticked off on his fingers.

Mako's brow twitched up. "Again," hands swept wide. "That was on you."

"We survived a very public meltdown." Wu looked across at Mako, as though this was a solidifying point.

Mako sighed, leaning back. "What's your point?"

"We went through all this stuff yesterday." Wu grinned widely, if with uncertainty, "aren't we friends now?"

Mako hesitated. "Friends..." He frowned at Wu. "I mean, you're my employer." He pointed out. "There's a power balance here that's... well." He shrugged. "Anything outside of that is inappropriate."

Wu nodded slowly. "I think I get it."

But he didn't. He wanted to bring up Mako's time sponsored with Asami's business as the Fire Ferrets. But he didn't. He wanted to say they'd been through so much more than just yesterday. But he didn't.

"You know, I think you took what I said yesterday wrong, Wu." Mako rose his gaze, capturing Wu. "I don't think you're a..." He shook his head, "A joke, per se."

"Uh huh." Wu leaned back in his seat, arms crossing.

"I just think, you know. Things should be approached a certain way and-"

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