White Undershirt

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"Turn your left foot out further." Mako's voice was exasperated, his expression stern. "No." Hands dropped from the ready. "Wu-"

And damn was Wu trying, but... It hurt! His inner thigh twinged as he twisted his ankle further. Then looked at Mako to see if it was enough. Apparently not as the fire bender dropped form completely and crossed the sparring arena.

"No." Hands clasped onto shoulders, manhandling Wu into place. "Turn your shoulders so your right is more in front." He commanded, his breath hot on Wu's skin. Wu looked down, growing hotter as fingers and boxing gloves brushed over him. "Bring them slightly up to your ears." He pulled and Wu was compliant, his insides soft as butter as the way Mako's hands were just... on him.

"Better." Hands still solidly on Wu, until they dropped to his chest and pressed. "Now round your back a little." Mako leaned back to take in Wu's stance and hummed in his throat before crowding in again. "Okay." And hands drifted lower, barely snagging on the loose cotton shirt until fingers settled around Wu's waist. "Square your hips-"

Wu bit his lip, fighting the urge to give in and pull himself flush against Mako. Oh Sweet Spirits Wu was going to combust as fingers dug in to pull his hips closer. Hesitantly Wu looked up to see Mako studying him intensely, with that look on his face like he was a case that needed cracked.

"Uh..." Wu hesitated, reaching down to grab Mako's forearm. "W-wha-?"

And then Mako kicked his foot out to where it should have been and Wu fell over with a little whine of pain, grasping onto Mako.

"You did that on purpose." Wu accused, his groin screaming at the exertion.

Mako just smiled and shrugged. "You're a dancer. I figured you'd be more flexible."

"This-" Wu felt himself flush, pushing off Mako in indignance, "Is not dancing!"

"What did you say to me when you told me to try it out?" Mako's hands still grabbing Wu by the waist. "They were similar?"

"Is this because I made you spill your dirty dating history to me earlier?" Wu accused.

"Hands at position." Mako demanded, pulling back slowly. "Keep your form." His voice barking and stern, facial features flat but focused as his own body fell into a practiced stance with an ease and precision that Wu envied. "Now I'm going to come at you from the left. I want you to dodge it any way you can."

"Wait." Wu popped out of form as Mako swung, "Your left or m-" and Mako's fist connected with enough force to make Wu stagger. "Wu down." He muttered on an exhale, allowing himself to fall to the mat gracefully, exaggerating the force with which he was struck. "I guess it was your left." He groaned, rubbing at his shoulder as he lay on the ground.

"Wu!" Mako hissed, eyes blazing. "I said to dodge."

"Don't get so upset, fussy pants." Wu waved off the concern as he sat. "I'm the one with the dead arm and the bruise." He waved his arms grandly. "Look at it as a free chance to beat me up after all those years of-" And hands were again on him, but much less kind this time as they dragged him back up to his feet.

Mako gave Wu a solid shake. "This is your safety." His voice had a strain to it, "What if you get kidnapped again but they don't just drug you and throw you in a box?" Mako growled, hands tightening, "Take this seriously."

"Why-?" Wu's face screwed up as he struggled to wrench free from Mako's grasp. "Y-you're hurting me, Mako."

This made the fire bender stop, grip immediately loosening. He let go in a snap, stepped away though his chest was heaving. Mako turned, pulling his helmet off, surprisingly sweaty for having not done much.

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