Vinyl Shoulder Sling

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Wu flushed at the sight of Mako, emerging from the apartment room.

"You look-"

"Yeah?" The flush that crawled up Mako's neck made Wu writhe.

"Yeah!" The no-longer Prince waited for Mako to step beside him, arms linking at the doorway. "The color, the cut-" Wu leaned back, feeling Mako tense beside him. "Very nice."

"Oh sweet Spirits." Mako ducked his head away as Wu leaned in to land a kiss on the curve of his ear, laugh too loud, too close.

Not that Mako minded, not really. Not when Wu was so soft in his affections, and so gentle with his touch. Not when Wu was leading the way, fingers intertwined. Not when the day was fading gently into the night and the wedding vows made Mako think that maybe, as Wu blinked away tears, he might be in love with the man sitting beside him.

And the idea made him blanche, grip tightening around the hand he was holding low, so no one could see.

And when Zhu Li kissed Varrick, Mako felt Wu's grip tighten right back.


"There you are." Wu grinned wide, "I had to fight off half the crowd just to get some alone time." He sighed dramatically as Mako's brow raised incredulously. "The ladies just can't keep off me."

Mako snorted, "I'm sure."

"Oh you're no fun to tease now." Wu draped an arm over Mako's shoulders carefully, aware of the ever-present ache.

"So-" Mako cleared his throat. "We never really talked about it with..." He shrugged, motioning to his slinged arm. "But, my cousin told me how level-headed you were during the whole evacuation." Mako inhaled. "I've got to admit, I'm impressed. I think you're going to make a great leader." He smirked as Wu beamed at the praise, "But that doesn't mean I'm gonna set you up with Korra, so don't ask."

The smile on Wu's face widened, "That's okay, Mako." He jabbed an elbow softly into the firebenders side and winked. "Sometimes, a good evacuation is its own reward."

And Mako fought the flush that wanted to consume him as Korra approached, as her gaze danced between the two men.

"Good to see you, Prince Wu." Her hesitant tone quickly warming. "Or should I say, King Wu? You ready to get back to Ba Sing Se and finally take the throne?"

Mako felt himself stiffen as Wu pulled away, shuffling as he glanced to the ground. "Yeah." Glanced at Mako sheepishly before grinning up at Korra. " ... about that." He inhaled, rubbing his neck. "I was actually thinking of stepping down as king and getting rid of the monarchy all together." He cleared his throat, looking to Mako for reassurance.

But the firebender was flabbergasted. "Are ... you joking?" Eyes narrowed.

"For once, I'm not." Wu shook his head, shrugging. "Now I know what you're gonna say, 'I'm being lazy, I'm afraid of responsibility, I'm putting my singing career before my people', but it's none of those things." He raised his hand to silence Mako, who exchanged a look with Korra. "I really think the Earth Kingdom would be better off if the states were independent and had elected leaders, like the United Republic." He laughed a little shakily. "I-I've ben talking to people about it. I've discussed it with Raiko and-"

"That's... actually pretty wise and mature of you." Mako grinned, feeling his chest flood with warmth. "You don't have to convince me of your plan."

"I-I don't?" Wu frowned, confused as Korra took a step closer.

"I think it's a great idea." She smiled, "The Earth Kingdom should evolve, and I'll do everything in my power to help you make that happen."

And Wu couldn't believe the joy he felt at the words. All he'd wanted for so long was Korra's approval, backing. The Avatars approval, acknowledgement. And now he had it.

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