The boys during Quarantine

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The boys during quarantine


Makes his own vegetable garden

His garden brings him lots of peace

Enjoys being in the sun

Enjoys watching the vegetables grow

"Yo Axel this lettuce is hella Crisp."---Gabe or Luke probably

It is hella Crisp

Wears one of those big ol sun hats those ladies wear, he doesn't care what the others think, he's having fun and not getting sunburnt

Plants pumpkins so they can all make Jack-o-lanterns for halloween


Gets into roller skating!

Really fucking good at it

Listens to music as he skates

Can do a couple of tricks

Wears some really short shorts while skating

He'll 100% dance in his skates if no ones around don't @ me


Gets into tie dying

Shirts, pants, hoodies, underwear, you name it, it's getting dyed

"Do you want me to tie dye that for you?"

Corey looks like a hippie

It suits him well

Sells some of his tie dye stuff online


Decides he wants to learn how to make soap

He already knows how to make perfumes. What's so hard about soap?

Turns out alot

"How the fuck do molds work?

Tries again and again until it works out

"Gabe why is there soap in the fridge?"

You get some soap and YOU get some soap

Don't like a certain scent? Don't worry Gabe will make a special one just for you


Gets into pottery

He sucks at it

At First

Practices everyday to become better

He can make some really beautiful pieces now

Enjoys the calm and peace working with clay can bring

Easies his anxiety


Lots of bothering the others.

"HEY can I help?"

Usually ends up not helping much instead just talks the whole time

Decides to grow out his hair

Wants it to be really LONG

Everyone makes fun of him when it starts to look like a bowl cut (Please let me know if you know what I'm talking about.)

Looks amazing with long flowing hair

Sang and her boys (Ghost Bird+Scarab Beetle imagines)Where stories live. Discover now