Their Hogwarts House

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I don't know much about Harry Potter but here you go

Axel- Gryffindor

Brandon- Gryffindor

Corey- Giving me Hufflepuff  but would totally be in Ravenclaw

Gabe- Slytherin

Kota- Ravenclaw

Luke- Hufflepuff

Marc- Hes giving me Slytherin 

Nathan- Gryffindor

North- Gryffindor 

Owen- Ravenclaw

Raven- Slytherin and you cannot change my mind

Sean- Hufflepuff

Silas- Gryffindor vibes, Hufflepuff at heart

Victor- Ravenclaw


Sang- Hufflepuff


What houses are you guys in? I did the quiz and got Ravenclaw

also I wanna write a Ghost bird Hogwarts Au thingy 

anyways see ya

Sang and her boys (Ghost Bird+Scarab Beetle imagines)Where stories live. Discover now