The Boys as Dads

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The Boys as dads featuring Sang as a mom!


Has fast reflexes

Wakes up early to make everyone breakfast

Gets involved with whatever his kid likes

"Ok Karen I'll stop when your husband stops cheating on you."


Will pull his kid out of school to play hookie

Always sees his kids games/plays

Owns a #1 Dad mug and drinks from it everyday

BBQ dad tbh


Worries so much about his kid

Lowkey a PTA mom

Packs his kids their favorite lunches everyday.

"Hey lets bake some cookies!"

Ends up burning the cookies


Dresses his kids

Knows all the gossip about the other moms

"Yeah Helen I'll stop talking shit when you quit causing shit."

Always prepared for anything


Helicopter parent

Gives great advice

A little strict

Leaves his kids sweet notes in their lunches


"Don't tell your mother...or North."

Plays pranks on the others with his kid

If no one is there to stop him he'll let his kid eat anything they want.

Records/ takes pictures of his kids all the time.


Also has quick reflexes.

Can't punish his kids

"Who's bullying you? I just wanna talk."

Always has coffee in one hand and holding his kid with the other


Teaches his kids self defense, just in case

"Don't fight with the other kids... unless they start it."

Takes his kids out whenever he can

Mommy jogger


Yells because he cares

Extremely overprotective

"You can have dessert after you finish ALL of your vegetables."

Gives way to many vegetables, his kid won't have room for dessert

Watches Saturday morning cartoons with his kids


"What is that? Where did you get that? Put that down."

Can tell when his kid is lying

Over protective

Carries his kid to bed if they fall asleep on the couch, also reads to them and tucks them into bed


"Fuck you Linda your lemons squares were dry at the last bakesale."

Teaches his kids russian.

Very involved with his kids' life

Won't ever let anyone bully his kid around


Cool parent

Gives his kids sick notes to get out of class

Very supportive about his kids interests

Very understanding when his kids make mistakes


So many dad jokes

Cries when his kid cries

Teaches his kid greek

Total mama bear


Knows he shouldn't, but spoils his kids like crazy

"You're grounded, go to your room!"

Kid is only there for like five minutes

Drops off his kid and picks them up everyday just to see them


Sang as a mom

Sings her kid to sleep

Will always support her kid no matter what

Would and will kill for her kid

"Hold on I made you chocolate chip pancakes for dinner!"


This was really fun to write at some point I would like to write something about the boys being dads

Anyways Happy Fathers Day!

Sang and her boys (Ghost Bird+Scarab Beetle imagines)Where stories live. Discover now