"Yes, father, the trial of death is a batle between two tribes to settle their indifference. Instead of a war between two packs one shitherform from each tribe is chosen to fight for the pack" I glance over to my mate and state "And I will fight for the Black Blood tribe."

Several others murmured their disapproval,

"This fight" Leo softly whispered to me "is it really to death?"

"Yes, only one shifterform is to survive."


"It should be me"

I drag my eyes haistely over my mate. "what?"

"Its my fault, it should be me fighting against my father's champion" Leo's determine gaze never leaving me. Crossing his arms in a silent signal.

"No, this, all of it, is my responsibility" Leo is sitting on his side of the bed and I crawl towards him from behind, gently laying my arms around my mate.

Twisting easily out of my grip he turnes towards me "Im not some defenseless maiden you know" Leo brow furrows in determination, he wasn't budging.

"Oh I know" I purr at him.

He blew out a breath and squeeze his neck, stress radiating from him. "I need it to be me"

"I kidnapped you Leo, I barely had a talk with your father and I practically ran from the Red Mountain tribe with you."

"You didn't kidnap me Rex! You asked, I was there remember, my father said if I were your perfect match you could take me with you.

"But I didn't ask the most important person." My eyes locked with his "Would you have come with me if I asked you?"

"There and then, I would have said no. Thats true, but after an hour, a day or maybe in a week I would have found my way to you. No matter what."

"Just because of the bond" there's no hiding the disappointment in my voice.

"The bond draws us together, yes, but I stayed because of you" His hand grab mine and link us together. "I cant lose you Rex. Promise me, you will never leave me here alone"

"If I have to fight..." I started but he hastily interrupts me.

"Promise me!"

"Okay, we will find another way, they will se our bond, and then they need to deem the fight illegit. I promise Leo."

He finally leaned into me, sighing in relief. I understand fully where he was coming from, I would rather die than watch him fight to death, of course he feels the same way.
Our bond was real, our perfect match was real, we just needed to prove it to the others, but I have noe clue to how to do that.


We entered the meat hall for breakfast earlier than usual, a gloomy mist seeped seamingly through the pack. I felt it, saw it on my men, like sad song playing, but this was no time for belly up. I walked determende up to our group, dragging my mate with me.

"Hey guys" I greeted them.

"Rex, Leo" Rupert smiled weakly upon our arrival. "We heard about the note and guess what, we took a vote, I will ...."

"No one will fight" I hastily interrupted him.

The table seemed surprised.

"Wait, can he do that?" Brax nudged his brother "Can we refuse a death match?"

Shapeshifters - Rex the LynxWhere stories live. Discover now