This cant be happening

13 2 5

I got home, opened the door and slammed it shut behind me, leaning against it. I threw my keys onto the desk next to me.
'This is too weird' i sighed

Suddenly the room went dark but light enough so i could see ,
' Whats going on, MUMMM!, BRO! ANY ONE'

'God their still not home, hmm maybe the power got cut or something'

I looked towards the stairs that were facing towards me. I looked at the top of the stairs and a cloud of white smoke started forming
' What the..'

A black figure started to walk out of the smoke. i stood in shock my heart beat speeding.

'Tsk tsk tsk... thought you could just dream me away did ya'

' Oh god no'

' Haha oh god yes more like, is that any way to treat you're last guest sav'

'L...l...leave me a..alone i..i didnt do anything' i spoke with all the courage i could muster

' Oh but you did... u were born you are alot like you're mother was you know stupid, weak, pathetic' he spat

'Wt howd he know my mother and why did he say that as if my mother is in past tense??'my eyes widened.. no .. it cant be

He chuckled lowly ' you know you should really learn not to speak your thoughts ' with that said he pulled a chainsaw out from behind him and fired it up
'Were the hell did he get that from'

With out a second thought i grabbed my keys and ran out of my house sprinting as fast as i could.
'I need to get to Casey's house, i need to get to Casey's house'

This really can't be happening

Heyyyy peepes im still alive lol sorry for not updating i dunno i procrastinate a lottt sorry not a good excuse but yh i hope you enjoyed so far im not finished ive got like one chappy or so left
Lv u beauties 😋😬



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Peace out BANYAZZZ...

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