But thiers no-one there

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But to my surprise, there was no dumb imaginary beast or 'mates'... There was no-one.

I peered my head out the door and looked around to make sure that whoever was here was gone, just to be extra sure, i reached for my black and red laced high tops (would love to have adidas shoes like that 😁) popped them on and stepped outside.

The cold january air hit my face, sending shivers down my spine. It really creeped me out how our front yard/ drive through area thingy was pretty much blocked off by trees and bushes, so from where i was standing no-one could see you not even the next door neighbours.

I took another few steps away from my comforting home and deeper into the dark night, the only thing helping me to see out here was the illuminating, full moon. I stared up at it in a daze for a couple of moments at how beautiful it was, When i herd the sound of my front door creaking back and forth, so in one swift movement i made my way back to my house. "Winds getting stronger," i said sighing heavily.

A/n i will upload soon ok promise but it'll take me some time about 5minutes... hehe

NIGHTMARE (slow updates sos)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora