WHAT is going on?!

13 4 1

I reached college in 20 minutes ran towards registration said my hellos signed in and sprinted towards my classroom.

I was now 30 or something minutes late and was standing in front of my english classroom door.Shaking i thought of some excuses while i stood idly staring at the door -ummm you had a doctors appointment - yeah that should do sighing i opened the door imagining all the students eyes watching me.

But their was NoOne in class not even the teacher

"Okkk this just keeps getting weirder and weirder"i said in a hushed tone searching the room

hoping i guess that their was a person here...

"Casey is usually the first one here what is happening"

-Maybe everyones just running late like you- i thought

"meh probs" i said talking to myself like a weirdo

I took my seat and waited for the teacher or pretty much any living soul to come-

Waiting...waiting 5 minutes

Waiting..waiting 20 minutes😤

Waiting...waiting getting impatient😡

" Im getting so pissed right now im leaving" huffing i got out of my seat frustrated walked out of the class and sped down the empty halls

"What why is their no one here"

I ran towards the reception to tell them i wasnt feeling well (just an excuse)

And there wasnt even any one in the reception either

"WHAT if there was no college someone shouldve told me!" i screamed into thin air .

As i stormed out of the building annoyed by everything that was happening

i herd something it sounded familiar very familiar like a evil laugh i was to annoyed to turn around though as the whole flipping town was on vacation or something! plus i was a little creeped out by what just happened

first no one was at home

then i come to college theirs a couple of people about

i storm out and everyone magically disappears

WHAT is going on!!! ......


Okkkk so i havnt updated in like forever and for whoever actually likes my book thank you and i will try to update quicker im just you know busy.....



Love u all

Till next time

Peace out


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