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A/n most of this will be in cals pov maybe one from ashton and Luke I don't know yet but yeh mostly from Calums so I hope you enjoy the first chapter and want to continue reading :) -Katie

I had just finished putting my furniture away. Flopping down on the couch and flipping through the channels a knock on the door interrupts an episode of friends i've probably seen a million times.

I groan getting up and peeking through the peek hole to find my pinked haired cousin. "hey mikey" I said giving him a hug. "Welcome to my new home" I smiled opening my arms as in saying 'ta da!' He grinned looking around and then frowned "what's with the wallpaper?" he said picking at it as it was ripping off the wall. I smacked his hand away as I said "I dunno it was already like this but when I get a job, I'll take it down, maybe get batman wallpaper." I smiled.

"Batman yeh that's one way to get all the chicks- guys" he chuckled sarcastically changing his mind. I had told Michael I was gay over Skype knowing that he didn't mind much he still couldn't process it. He had told me he alway wanted a cousin to go out to clubs and be each other's wingmen well considering he has a girlfriend who he's been with for 6 years it's kinda hard for me to be his wingman.

"Lizzie should be here soon" he said smiling at the thought of his girlfriend.

"yay I finally get to meet her" I cheered. Before I could sit down a knock on the door was heard "I'll get it" I said chuckling to myself.

Opening the door I see a girl with dark blue hair and light blue eyes. "hi you must be Calum" she smiled pulling me into a hug. "And you must be Lizzie" I questioned when she pulled away. "The one and only." she giggled. She was wearing black ripped skinny jeans and a read flannel over her black nirvana Tshirt. "Oh come in, I love your top by the way" I said "mike is on the couch". I said pointing towards were he sat. they greeted each other with a kiss. "Do you guys want anything to drink?" I asked before sitting down again. "I'll have a beer" they both said at the same time. "awwh" they said together again smiling and kissing. "Stupid couples" I muttered to my self.

"Alright see you guys be safe use protection" I shouted as they walked out of my apartment. They laughed at me waving goodbye and mikey turned giving me the middle finger.

I sighed it was only 7oclock but jet-leg was killing me and I was so tired so I got into pyjamas which consisted of an old band T-shirt and sweats and went to bed, in Australia I would just wear my boxers but considering it's like two fucking degrees here in Ireland I had to wear pyjamas. Checking my messages before I went to Sleep, I plugged my phone in and set it on the bedside table.

As I drifted off to sleep I heard the sound of what sounded like moans. I ignored it trying to sleep that's when they got louder and I groaned not being able to sleep. I jumped out of bed putting my glasses on so I could see and went upstairs to the apartment the moans were coming from. Questions were running through my head as I brought my hand up and knocked. What do I say? What if they just laugh at me? A minute later a blonde haired boy answered he had a lip ring and his hair was flying in all directions he was shirtless and wearing boxers.

I couldn't help but stare and glance down at his shirtless body. He interrupted me by giving a loud cough making me jump slightly. "Uh can I help you?" He said leaning against the door frame. "Uh- yeh? I'm in the apartment below you and I'm trying to sleep so could you please just Uh- keep it down." I stuttered awkwardly and looked down at my feet.

"yeh okay whatever" he rolled his eyes "see you around kid" he said to me (even though he didn't look that much older than me) doing the head thing guys do when they see each other.

I nodded awkwardly turning around. I stopped in my tracks when he asked "what's your name?" "C-calum" I stuttered. Seriously Calum stuttering great. "Calum" he said my name rolling off his tongue so easily. "I like it" he smiled showing his perfect white teeth he waved and closed the door behind him. "fuck" I cursed out loud realising how hot he was and headed back down to my apartment.

A/n Okay so it was short but I already have a few written up :) I'm going to BARCELONA for the next few days so I won't have internet so I won't update for a few days next update maybe next Wednesday or Thursday :) please vote and comment I really wanna hear your thoughts and how I can make this better! To whoever Is reading I love you thanks! -Katie

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