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I was stacking the shelves when Ash came up to me and just kind of stared at me. "Okay Ash, what is it?" I asked titling my head to the side. "Well- Uh y-y-you uh n-no-" he stuttered

"Spit it out Ash"

"You know the way that you said you just wanna be friends? Well I respect that. But I can't stand the flirty ways of our friendship it's killing me can you please let me take you out on a date?" He rambled out of breath.

"I dunno ash I don't wanna ruin-" I started but he cut me off. "Pleaseee" he pouted. I groaned. "Okay fine" I smiled. He smiled back both dimples appearing on his cute face and he gave me a sweet kiss on the cheek "hey twats get back to work"(please don't be offended I totally support lgbt and shit so) Luke said from somewhere in the shop.

He knew we were both gay and Ash being his childhood best friend he was totally okay with it but he tried to hard to act like he wasn't when he really was.

He'd always bring girls into the shop and they'd go out back we would have to play music so we wouldn't have to listen them. Usually all we hear is OH LUKE! And Yeh he can't go a day without sleeping with someone the horny little shit. I have this feeling he's doing it to get me jealous because everytime he sees me when he's with a girl he would wink making me blush even though he's straight, well I think so.

"Can I take it off now" I begged. "No it's a surprise" I was currently blind folded and had no idea where we were going. "Please Ash I hate surprises the last time I got a surprise I walked in on my boyfriend with a girl" I whined. "I promise it's nothing bad" he reassured me. "Okay step down and ta da" he said as he took my blindfold off.

We were at the beach it was windy and rainy I turn to Ash confused. "We're going surfing!" he cheered. "No! No it's absolutely freezing" I argued it was April. "Come on we will get our wet suits it'll be fine me a Luke surf all the time in this weather". I felt jealous. "It's fun. I promise I will buy you hot chocolate after"

Once we got our wet suits on we held onto our boards. "Ready! set! go!" we ran into the water squealing at the coldness. "fuck that's cold" "I muttered as I sat on the board shaking my head so my wet hair would get out of my eyes. "Don't fucking swear Calum" Ash said and then laughed because he swore.

About an hour later I was having fun and didn't want to go. "Cal your lips are blue" Ash laughed as I whined "I don't wanna go"

"c'mon babe" he chuckled as I pouted. "Don't do that caaaal" he whined kiss me lightly on the lips making us both blush.

Once we got to the shed to change he gave me a peck on the lips before I could get a chance to kiss him back he pulled away again he does that a lot... "now where's my hot chocolate?" I giggled.

"You've got hot chocolate on your lip" I was about to wipe my lip when Ashton leaned in and kissed me" "got it" he smirked. "Thanks" I blushed

"Well I had a lot of fun Ash" I said once we got to my apartment building. "If I get pneumonia I'm blaming you" i giggled as I gave him a hug my arms wrapping around his waist considering he was taller than me my head rested on his chest. I looked up at him and he leaned down to kiss me the kiss was short and sweet.

"I'll see you tomorrow cal" he said ruffling my hair I glared but had a smile on my face. "bye" I smiled as he got into his car and drove off. When I got to my apartment I sighed seeing Luke there again. "What do you want Lucas?" I groaned. "I don't like you and ash together" he stated I rose an eyebrow confused at his confession.

"Well me and Ash is none of your business. "It is when it makes me jealous" he said getting angry. Why the hell was he Angry he's the one who sleeps around with girls. "What are you talking about Luke? You don't even like boys let alone me" I sighed angrily all I wanted to do was go inside and watch tv.

He didn't reply he took me by surprise when he pushed me against the door of my apartment pinning my hands above my head leaned in really close to my ear and whispered "I don't know what it is about you cal but I like it" my breath hitched in my throat. I was stunned Lukes straight what is he doing?

His lips met mine it was a slow kiss at first I soon kissed back and squirmed about trying to get out of his grip I bit down on his lip and he dropped my hands bringing them down to my hips. I placed my arms around his neck playing with the hair on the back of his neck. "Luke" I breathed when we pulled away. "w-what was that?" I felt hurt when he did answer. I decided to ask the question I've been dying to know the answer to "are you gay?"

Cliffhanger... Well kinda.. Not really lol so I hope you are enjoying it I promise this is a cake fan fic I've just been obsessed with cashton these past few weeks but this is cake fan fic promise! - Katie

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