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"Calum! Calum! Calum" I heard followed by a loud banging on my door. I groaned getting up. "What do you want at this ungodly hour of the morning" I said sleepily when I opened to be met with Michael. "We need to get you a job and laid you grumpy grouch" he chuckled "I do need a job" I said ignoring the second part of what he said. "Okay let me get dressed and find me a job"I said and slammed the door in his face. I got dressed in black skinny jeans a band Tshirt and a jacket.
"Ohh look a music shop" I smiled walking over to the shop the bell over the door chimed and the boy at the counter looked up and I met his hazel eyes. He was wearing glasses he was really cute. I was in a daze and I heard loud crashing. I blushed when I realised I just walked into a drum set. "Oh my god I'm so so sorry I didn't mean to-"

"hey man it's okay it's not broken" the guy with the hazel eyes interrupted me patting me on the shoulder. "Okay" I said in a daze again "cal cal caaalum." "oww" I said when mikey hit me. "You were staring". He said obviously and I giggled and blushed.

"Hi I'm Ashton you must be Calum I presume." "Uh y-yeah" "I'm Michael Calum's cousin he's new here he's from Australia."
"Put some shirmp on the barbie" Ashton chuckled. I looked at him weirdly. "I'm sorry I was attempting to be Australian" he giggled YES GIGGLED AND IT WAS ADORABLE I mentally fangirled. "It's okay, it was cute" I laughed. He blushed and giggled. "So, is there anything you want help with?" He asked he had a slight accent much like Niall Horans. "Oh I was looking for a job I just bought an apartment" I giggled. "oh well we have a job for you I just have to talk to the manager." "Really? Awesome" I smiled. "Luke?" The curly haired boy shouted out to the back. "Lucas come here you-" "alright I coming" I heard a voice say a familiar voice at that.

"I'll see you next week babe" "Luke said the same Luke who is my neighbour. His hair was messy and the girl he was with fixed her Tshirt a blush creeping up on her cheeks.

He gave her a long kiss and slapped her butt she giggled and ran out flipping her hair over her shoulder. oh my god disgusting.

"What's up dimwit" he said turning to Ashton and poking his dimples. "well Calum here is new to Ireland and-" "calum" Luke smirked my heart fluttered. "hey.." I trailed looking down. "What's up?" "Well I was Uh l-looking for a job" I stuttered his face makes me nervous. "You's know each other?" Ash and Mikey said at the same time. "Yeh he's my neighbour." Ash and mikey just shrugged. "Okay you can stack shelves and stuff" Luke shrugged.

"oh okay" I smiled shyly "you start today I'm leaving." he said "Luke out!" He said do the peace out sign. I rolled my eyes at him. "what's with him". Michael said glaring at him as he walked out the door. "I dunno." "Hes a player" ash shrugged. "and my dimwit of a best friend" he added

"He's gorgeous" I sighed dreamily. "What?" Michael shouted. "What what? I said giggling. "You can't like him he's straight sorry dude" Ashton said with a sad smile. "I know I can hear it" I rolled my eyes. "what do you mean you can hear it?" Ashton questioned I live under him I shrugged. "You wish you were under him" Ash giggled. "Yeh I do" I chuckled
"your gross" mikey said pulling a disgusted face.

"Your gross" I mimicked him. "piss off" mikey grumbled. "Ok see ya later Mike" I said pushing him out the door.

After a month of working at the shop me and Ash had gotten really close. I found out he was gay, he has a brother and sister and that he's 20. "Cal Calum!" "Huh what?"I said snapping out of my daze. "Your staring again." He laughed. "What no I'm not" I replied putting my chin in my hand I let out a sigh. I was staring at Luke he was playing the guitar and writing down things. He ran a hand through his hair making his perfect quiff stick out in all directions

"If he was gay in sure he would go for you I mean your hot." Ashton blurted out randomly. I blushed. "T-thanks Ash. Same to you you I mean I- you have pretty eyes" I stuttered.

"thanks I like your eyes too" he smiled we looked at each other for a second awkwardly staring into each other's eyes.. "You guys can take a break now" Luke said nodding at the two of us making us jumped apart quickly and And this caused Luke to raise an eyebrow at us and shake his head. The other worker Mandy came in to do her shift.


We got an hour for lunch so I ask if Ash wanted to get food at my flat he agreed, we talked as we made the short ten minute walk. The minute I opened my door and closed it behind me.

I was push against it and I gasped my eyes widening not being able to comprehend that's Ashton was kissing me it was soft at first but it soon I melted into it and wrapped my arms around his neck then it got heated when he slipped his tongue in my mouth. "Ash" I muttered. "yeh baby?" he asked kissing down my neck unable to think properly I shook my head."I'm sorry I can't" I mumbled pushing him off slightly.

"I t-thought-" "I like you I do but I think we're better off as friends" I said cutting him off and immediately regretting it.

Ashton was cute hell he was hot but this crush thing on Luke was messing with me. "It's because of Luke isn't it? You know he's never going to like you he's my best friend he doesn't like guys okay just get over it" he said harshly I looked down at the floor in embarrassment. "Cal.. I'm sorry I was angry" ash tried to apologise but I pushed him off.

"Can you just..go please" I whispered. Ashton sighed running a hand through his hair. "if that's what you want.." I just nodded even though I had only known Ashton for a month we had gotten quiet close as friends this wasn't unexpected I mean he's hot and he admitted to liking me. I felt so bad but what he said hurt me.

I had missed my lunch break so I took an apple and ate it while walking down to the store.

The bell chimed when I walked through making heads turn to the door what shocked me most was the blonde haired boy at the counter who turned around. Seeing him my eyes widened in shock and I stuttered out "o-oh my god your Niall Horan" I almost screamed. "The one and only" he said giggling in his adorable Irish accent much like Ashton's.

"H-hi I'm Calum huge fan.. wow your even more cuter in real life I mean your so small It's cute omg is narry real-" I rambled and Ash cute me off "leave the poor guy alone" he laughed at my flustered state but it was a fake laugh I could tell because it didn't reach his eyes. "Oh I-I'm sorry" I blushed shyly looking down. "It's alright man to answer your questions yeh I'm small no narry isn't real... Uh sorry lad and three it's always nice to meet the fans usually I have girls screaming in my ears or flashing" he chuckled. I just laughed cause he's laugh was contagious.

"What are you doing here anyways" I said trying to control my breathing I mean Niall fucking Horan was standing in front of me. "Well we have a gig in the 02 tonight (a/n3arena now but I know it better as the 02 in Dublin btw) and I broke my guitar strings this was the closest shop" he shrugged thanking Ashton for the new strings.

"Well good luck in your show tonight.. can I get a picture?" I questioned shyly. "Of course..would you like tickets to the show? I'm sure we can get you some and backstage passes" Niall said showing his now perfect straight teeth.

"A-are you serious? My sister will freak when she hears this" I fangirled and then apologised. "Sure bring her along" he said sort of confused. "Oh I can't she's back in Australia" I smiled Sadly

"okay well I'm trusting you with my number so give me a call and I can see if I can get a ticket or two" "thanks Niall" "see ya" he gave me a quickly hug after taking a picture and waved.

"Oh my go oh my god oh my god" I screamed jumping up and down. "What the hell cal" Luke shouted angrily from the back of the shop "sorry" I muttered rolling my eyes. I walked up to the counter ash was avoiding contact.

"Ash I'm sorry about what happened earlier I like you I do it's just I haven't had a boyfriend in ages and the last time I did he cheated on me and I find it hard to trust people but weirdly I trust you so can we be friends at least for now and come to the 1D concert with me?" I begged pouting my lips. "It's not your fault it's mine I shouldn't of pushed you and fine but don't do that with your lips " he said glancing down at them "okay?" I said shaking my head at ash.

Okay to sum it up this WILL be a CAKE fan fic ashton and Luke are Irish (can't really imagine them with Irish accents but just go with it.) cal is Australian. I hope you's like it so far please vote and comment
P.s this is based in Dublin
Xxx -Katie

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