Chapter 5: Where Loyalty Lies

Start from the beginning

Everyone in the group turned in my direction. It was as though they were all waiting for my lead and they would follow. They were leaving this decision up to me and that pressure only made me feel more afraid. I look to the ground, not knowing what to do or how to feel. "Come on Violet!" I hear Marlon yell in protest, as if trying to convince me to choose his side. "You met her like two days ago!" Marlon did have a point, I hadn't known Clementine for that long. Could I really trust right now that she was telling the truth? That for all this time Marlon was lying to us and forcing Brody to do the same? "Clem I-... Shit." It felt like my voice was trapped in my throat as tried to speak. "I don't know you Clem I- . . . I'm sorry." The words only made my chest ache more. Seeing the look on Clem's face, how hurt and how abandoned she looked. It only made that pain in my chest worse. I couldn't stand seeing her like that. "Think about it Violet! What would Minnie want you to do?" Marlon's words felt like a punch to the gut. He knew how much I was grieving Minnie, to bring her into this like that. I don't know what she would want me to do. i don't know who to believe! "Violet, look at me.." I hear Clem say softly, but I couldn't seem to bring my gaze off the floor. "Please Violet. Look at me." I could hear the pain in her voice, the desperation, it stung and left a deep slow pain in my heart. I don't know how I managed to do it, but I slowly lifted my head up to look in Clem's direction. It felt as if I couldn't move once I saw her face. The look of pain and sadness and the look in her eyes that was just begging for help. "Violet, do you really think I would kill Brody? Lie about Minerva? Deep down in your heart do you really think I would do that to you?" She asks, her eyes never leaving mine.

I felt like I was at war with myself, I wanted to trust Marlon. But after talking with Clem about her past, seeing everything she's done for us, everything she's done for me. I want to say I can't trust her, I want so badly to not let people in anymore. But deep down in my heart, I know that I trust Clem. I trust her with my life, I trust her that she is telling the truth. I know that no matter how hard I try to deny it that I care about her. I know she is a good person. I don't know how or why, I just know. Wherever Clementine is, that's where I want to be. I want to be with her. I glance over at Marlon, before pulling my cleaver out and stepping in front of Clementine. I block Marlon's shot and hold my ground protectively in front of Clem. "Violet being difficult! Why am I not surprised?" Marlon scoffs and keeps the gun pointed upward, but I don't move even if he is actually about to shoot me right now. "Put down the gun Marlon. I don't care if I've only known Clementine for a couple days. I know she is a good person, I can see it in her eyes! I believe her. You have to end this." I could hear Clem moving behind me, before her hand grabs mine. I glance behind me to see her smiling at me as she gently grips my hand tighter. "Marlon come on man be reasonable." Aasim says as he approaches Marlon. It seemed as though my action was enough to sway the public opinion. Marlon only starts to panic seeing that he was now being surrounded. He was pointing the gun at anyone who bothered to get close to him. The screaming and commotion only got worse as Marlon admits to giving the twins up. He admitted to everything in a frantic frenzy as he continued to threaten us all with the gun. "And I'll do it again!"

"Excuse me?!"
"I didn't realize we were so fucking expendable!"
"You're a dick!"
"You told me they died!"

The yelling got louder as everyone tried to voice their anger or confusion. The commotion was getting worse, and I just kept Clem's hand in mind as I stood in front of her and shielded her. I didn't know what was going to happen, but I just tried to keep anyone from getting shot. Things were only getting louder and more hectic and then- BANG! The gunshot rang out as Marlon falls to the ground, his head spilling blood. There was a silence in the group, and once Marlon's body had fallen all eyes drifted to the young boy holding the gun that was still pointed up where Marlon was just standing. I quickly let Clementine go and rush in front of AJ to try and protect him. "Back off! All of you!" I shout, holding up my cleaver to try and keep everyone at a distance. Louis walks up to me with a glare. "We could've talked Marlon down! He just fucking murdered him!" Louis snaps as he kneels next to his best friend's corpse. "Clem. Take AJ inside, now!" I shout. Clementine didn't argue with me or hesitate. She walks past me and grabs AJ's hand, leading him inside the building. "You're just gonna let them go back to the dorms?! Which one of us is he going to shoot next when they do something he doesn't like?!" Louis yells as he motions towards AJ. "Marlon killed Brody and he almost got me too! Marlon started this! AJ did what he had to do!" Clementine tries to jump to AJ's defense. "What he had to do? He didn't have to shoot Marlon in the fucking skull! He's dead!" Louis yells, looking back towards AJ. "We get it Louis just back off, okay?" I say trying to calm Louis down. "Back off? Seriously?!" Louis yells in anger. "Come on AJ." Clem says softly as she drags him off to the dorms. Glares being shot at them from every direction as they walk through the crowd.

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