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"Sakhi,wake up its time "said dushalla entering subhadra's chamber.

There was no response.After calling subhadra for 3 times,dushalla came closer to the bed with water and poured water on her sakhi.

"Even after pouring water,you're still sleeping"said dushalla pulling the blanket.

Dushalla was surprised to see wet pillows instead of subhadra.

"Ok,I got pranked,now come out sakhi" said dushalla sitting on the bed accepting her defeat.

"I knew that you'll pour water on me " said subhadra giggling while coming out from the curtain side.

"Ok fine,let's go " said dushalla standing up from the bed.

Subhadra:"Where sakhi ??

Dushalla:"We have to attend the morning family pooja.Mata is waiting for us"

Subhadra:"Ok,let's go "

Dushalla:"Sakhi wear some ornaments,you look so simple"

Subhadra:"I'm fine sakhi,you know that I don't like heavy ornaments"

"Ok,but don't be so simple like this in your marriage too"said dushalla teasing subhadra.


Dushalla:"Sorry,I was just joking"

Subhadra smiled.

Dushalla:"Ok,let's go"

They both went to the family temple.


Gandhari was doing the pooja of  mahadev along with kunti.Barring 105 princes,all other royal family members were present there.Subhadra and dushalla reached there after the pooja.They both prayed to mahadev and turned to gandhari.

"Pranipat mata"they both greeted gandhari and touched her feet.

"Ayushman bhava putriyon" blessed gandhari.

"Who is this dushalla?? asked kunti.

"Pranipat bua"subhadra greeted kunti.


"Kunti mate,this is my sakhi subhadra,the one and only daughter of your brother vasudev" said dushalla introducing subhadra.

Kunti:"My brother vasudev's daughter??

Dushalla:"Yes kunti mate"

Suddenly kunti hugged subhadra tightly and said,

"Subhadra,I haven't seen you before but I used to send you gifts since you were born"

"I know bua" said subhadra hugging back.

Kunti:"You knew??

Subhadra:"Matashree told me when we decided to come here for kalapradarshan"

Kunti smiled.

After the hug,

"You look so beautiful putri" said kunti caressing subhadra's cheeks.

"Not more than you bua " said subhadra smiling back.

"You are naughty just like your brother subhadra"said kunti with a affectionate smile.

Kunti:"But,krishna told us that he came alone "


Krishna:"Bua,I told you that I came here alone at the feast not to hastinapur"

Love of His Life -SUBHADRA [ ON HOLD]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang