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The princes were practicing with their weapons individually in the playground.Suddenly,guru dron came there.

"All of you come here" ordered guru dron to the 109 princes.

The 109 princes came and stood before guru dron.

"Now,you all know how to use your weapon,right?? asked guru dron.

"Yes guru" the princes replied.

"Now you have to practice with someone,who use the same weapon that of your's like yudhishtir and karthikey,bheem and duryodhan,nakul and ved,you understand?? guru dron asked his students.

"Yes guru" replied duryodhan before anyone else.

"Putr yudhishtir,keep an eye on your brother bheem and putr ashwathama remind your friend that if he violates the rules of mace fight,he'll be sent back to hastinapur" said guru dron and walked away from there.

Guru dron was almost near his ashram when,

"Pranipat guru dron" greeted arjun.

"Pranipat putr arjun" greeted back dron.

Arjun:"Guru dron,may I go to the forest for practicing??

"Sure putr,but take gada along with you,he's also good in archery,you can help him right?? asked guru dron.

"Definitely guru" replied arjun.

"Good,gada is in the ayudhashala,you can leave with him" said guru dron and walked inside his ashram.


Gada was confused in selecting a bow as his bow was damaged.There were lots of bow some bigger,some smaller but not of the size he wanted.

"Mitr gada,take the small one on your right side" said arjun looking at a confused gada.

"Arjun,what are you doing here?? What about your practice?? asked a tensed gada.

"Be calm mitr and don't ask too many questions at a time" said arjun patting gada's back.

"I'm sorry arjun,right now I'm really confused" said gada.

"It's ok I understand you mitr,take this bow it'll be fine for you" said arjun taking a small bow.

"But arjun,this is small" said gada examining the bow.

"Mitr gada,have patience,bigger things can be achieved only through small things" said a calm arjun.

Gada:"You sound like my cousin brother---

"Cousin brother?? Which one?? asked arjun.

Gada:"Krishna,he too gives advices like this "

"How can you compare me with someone great as vasudev krishna,I'm not that great gada,let's go,we're late for practice,we can talk about that later" said arjun and ran to the forest dragging gada along with him.


"Subhadra,as always you have danced really well,I'm feeling jealous of you sakhi" said dushalla while walking with subhadra to their room.

"You too danced really well dushalla, but I'm jealous of you when you get angry !! said subhadra.

"Really?? But why subhadra?? asked dushalla in confusion.

"Because,when you get angry you look like a cute little red tomatoe" said subhadra giggling and ran away from there.

"Subhadra,I told you 1000 times that don't call me red tomatoe,I hate that.I won't forgive you today" said an angry dushalla chasing subhadra.

Love of His Life -SUBHADRA [ ON HOLD]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang