Chapter 10- Late Night Reports

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     Your head swam with thoughts of Rain as you walked back to Papa's office. The grin had refused to leave your face the whole time. In the past, whenever you caught feelings for someone, you'd try to villainize them in your head and break off ties. It was a sure way of preventing heartbreak and getting tied up and distracted from what you needed to accomplish. It wasn't ever often that you liked someone either. You only had a few silly childhood crushes like everyone once had, but not much happened after elementary school. You didn't take a vow of abstinence, you only wanted to just focus on your career work and the church. It didn't take you very far.

     When you first noticed that you were starting to develop a liking to Rain more than platonically, you almost went down the same path you usually did. You'd take all of the bad traits about the person you liked and about yourself and force your brain to hate them and think that they hate you too. But with Rain, he was... different. He hadn't given you a reason to dislike him. He had been nothing but kind and courteous to you since you'd met. He also made you feel really good about yourself. Desirable, beautiful, talented, worthy of his time. You had to accept that it was okay to like someone. Spending more time with him confirmed the terrifying realization that you had a big fat stupid crush on him. 

     Feeling his calloused hand against your palm and listening to the beating of his heart set you aflame. It sparked life in you that you hadn't felt in a very long time. You could still imagine him right next to you, walking hand in hand down the hallway. His dark eyes would look at you hazily and with only love and adoration. He'd laugh at your jokes and bounce some right back at you, and you'd enjoy being with him.

     It's always been difficult to hang out with people because you were used to the comfort of only your presence. You'd get tired of talking with your friends or family and have to go off by yourself for a while to recharge. It's not that you didn't love them, but you were just an independent person who genuinely enjoyed being alone. Even Bea, Beau, and Papa got tiring after a while. With Rain, you didn't feel bothered or exhausted. He did quite the opposite. He felt like an extension of you.

     Around him, you felt energized and full of life. When you danced, you felt like you were the only two beings left in this world. You wanted him to pull his body flush against yours, whisper how much he loved you into your ear, wracking chills down your spine. You imagined how the warmth of his bare skin would heat you up, you telling him that he was the most handsome ghoul that ever came from Hell, lips capturing yours in kisses that would last forever... you wouldn't mind that at all. He was a special ghoul. Very special indeed.

     You patted your face to fan out the fire in them. Although it was now winter and the cold bit at your nose, you felt your cheeks were entirely too red and would come off as suspicious. Your fist knocked on Papa's door. A very tired 'Enter' emitted from behind. You twisted the knob and walked in to see your boss still hunched over his desk filling out paperwork. You weren't really sure what all of this paperwork entailed. Being a descendant of powerful beings associated with Hell must be one 'Hell' of a job. 

     "Good evening, Papa. My apologies for taking so long, the ghouls were having difficulties locating a package to give me. All has been worked out." He grunted in response and kept working. "...Is there anything I can help you with?" He didn't look up. For being so serious and stern when telling you about the 'do's and don't's' of the basement and the ghouls that morning, he seemed very unconcerned about your extended dissapearence down there. 

     "No, no, I can handle it. You may go back to your chambers for the night." You squinted at him. Miss Imperator had warned you that Papa is a tough nut to crack. He didn't like sharing responsibilities and would instead try to complete everything himself. She directed you to quote-unquote '...tell that bastard to give you something to do'. You felt confident in yourself tonight (possibly caused by a certain ghoul), and decided to stand your ground. 

Nocturnal Me (Nameless Ghoul Rain/Water x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now