Old habits

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I held the sharp metal in my hands, red drips down my arm as I drop the metal and lean my head back. I deserve this, it was my fault Barrett had gotten hurt. I sat at the cargo loading gate in the dark, no one noticed me. Well I wish I could say no one, I watched dean his arm swung around some diva as he walked with her laughing and talking. I wipe my arms off, but my movement caught his attention he stops and looks at me.

"What are you looking at?" My voice cracks and I go to stand.

(Dean view)

I had come out with a diva I planned on fucking until I seen Demi.

"What are you looking at?" She had snapped but something in her voice said she was crying, I move away from the diva and towards her. As I got closer I can see a blood stained towel and her covering her arms up.

(Demi view)

"Stay away from me" I shot at him afraid he was going to hurt me, I go to move farther away but dean's hands catch my waist and I am pulled to him. I struggle as he pulls my sleeves up, he lets go and paces slightly.

"Why? why in the hell do you hurt yourself?" Something in his voice threw me off, I look down. "Come on your coming with me" he puts a arm around my waist and I am walking well stumbling after this man next thing I know I am in a car and he was driving onwards.

"Tell me why" dean uttered words after a few minutes.

"I don't have to tell you anything" I pulled my arms around myself, he pulls over in the middle of a empty parking lot.

"Damn it tell me! is this because us?" I look over at him, his eyes hold anger but something else is that a hint of sorrow.

"No" was all I said as I look down, I could feel the tears coming again. "This started when I was 13" I rub the scars lightly.

"Why?" I looked at him again.

"Why do you care? huh? I am nothing important! everyone knows that, why do you care so much Dean?" I plead to get a answer out of him, he looks into my eyes.

"Because I want to know Demi, Im sorry for being a ass earlier I didn't mean it I'm sorry if we are the ones that caused it this time" something told me he was actually sorry.

"You hurt my only friend dean, he is what keeps me sane he was the only one that kept me from doing this" tears drop I couldn't believe I was coming out like this, I felt a hand wipe away a tear.

"I'm sorry Demi I am, we shouldn't have-" I reach over and hug him, I feel his arms pull around my waist pulling me into his lap. "I won't tell a soul about this" he mumbles softly.

"Good because this is just a moment of weakness" I whisper keeping my arms around his neck, he rubs my back lightly.

"Everyone has their moments" I get out of his lap slowly, I wipe the tears away.

"Can you please take me to the hotel I need to get some sleep" I head my face by looking out the window, I feel the car start to move and close my eyes.

(Dean view)

She had fallen asleep by the time we got to the hotel, this girl was hurting inside. She was damaged somewhat like I was just not as bad, I grit my teeth at the thought of someone making her do this to herself. I don't know why but I wanted to protect her, she was like a small girl lost in the world full of lunatics.

I got out and picked Demi up and walked inside and I couldn't find her key so I just took her to my room, as I walk in roman looks up at me with a confusion look. I just walk to my room and lay her down softly into the bed, taking her jacket and shoes off, the old me probably would have taken advantage of this moment and fucked her but not this girl she was different then the others. I walk out back to roman and sit down.

"You didn't did you?" His voice enters my mind, I looked at him.

"No I didn't I wouldn't do that Rome she is different you guys know that" I kick my feet up and yawn.

"You have no plans on it either do you?" He plays his games, I just kept silent and stood up and walked back to my bed closing the door I slipped into the bed laying beside her.

Demi slept with a emotionless face making her look peaceful, I look at her arms and frown some and trace the scars. "What has happened to you Demi?" I whispered before laying my head down.

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