Im yours

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(First off if Dean Ambrose aka Jonathan Good was my principal I think I would like to get my office helper job back please and second I think it might be violent lol also this chapter is a filler but needed)

I grabbed ahold of the ropes blood drips from my lips as I look into the crowd as they screamed, I look around as my vision was blurred and a pair of blue eyes fill my vision and then the face appears. Dean.

"Get up sweet heart don't let them beat you down" the words leave his lips.

"Demi wake up it's time to get ready" I open my eyes slowly it all was just a dream, I look at Dean and touched my lips the taste of iron in my mouth and a little blood comes from my mouth and I cough a little. "Jesus!" I felt arms pick me up and then next I was in the bathroom and Dean had a towel to my lip.

"It's just a little blood" I whisper around the towel but he shakes his head.

"No it's not you bit your lip pretty hard Demi" I pull the towel away and he looks and sighs some leaning against the sink a hand on each side of me. I place a hand on his head and lightly run my hand in his hair, Dean was such a worry wart since he met me.

"Stop worrying about me so much Ambrose I will be fine it's not like the first time I have bled" I felt him move closer and get tense a little, I knew I shouldn't have said that.

"I'm going to worry about you all the time, you shouldn't have to bleed when I am around...." His voice was strained, I lift his head up a little my lip had stopped bleeding now. Dean's eyes meet mine and I give a half smile to reassure him I am fine.

"That is sweet of you but there will be times you won't be around to stop me from bleeding" I felt him lean closer till his forehead was against mine and I could smell that famous mint breath of his.

"Then I guess I can't ever leave your side" his voice husky making me blush, he has changed a lot he was no longer that complete asshole well not all the time.

"That would be im-" he stops me with a small kiss to the corner of my lips.

"Nothing is impossible if we try" I laugh a little and look at him.

"Your such a dreamer Ambrose" I look into his eyes and a small smirk twitches at his lips and his dimples show.

"Or am I doer Demi?" I smile more and run my hands in his hair and shook my head.

"Your both Dean" I kiss his cheek lightly and then his lips and he pulls me closer but he pulls away and looks at me.

"I can't lose you ever again, Demi your mine please tell me you are mine?" worry was filled his eyes and I frown some, I have never seen this part of him and deep down it makes me depressed to see him like this.

"I'm yours Dean Ambrose"

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