I'm Staying

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Dean was asleep upstairs so I decided to take this time to go to town so I left him a note before I got in my car and started out towards the town. I dropped my roof down and turned my radio on to one of my favorite stations and listened to it as I drove.

(Dean's view)

I had woken up to find a note beside me so I grabbed it and it was in Demi hand writing a smirk plays on my lips as I read it.

"Dean I went to town to pick some things up and to talk to a few people I will be back in a hour or two, make sure you don't get into some trouble till then"

Love Demi

I snorted some at her comment at the end how was I going to get into trouble around here and stood up walking out to the kitchen only to see her father Hunter I looked around the shelves for a cup not really wanting to be around him after the little stunt he did about trying to get me to leave Demi alone I rather take that pain.

"They are to the right hand side" I look at him and nodded grabbing one and got some water I leaned on the counter and took a long drink. "Dean..." I look at him again here we go.

"Hm?" I set the glass down and crossed my arms what did this jackass want now?

"Why are you with my daughter? is it for the piece of ass? or is it to get back at me? What is it?" I looked down shook my head he just wouldn't get the hint that I am here because I don't know because she draws me in I really did try in the beginning to ignore the way I wanted her but it didn't last very long as you can tell now.

"If it was for the piece of ass I would have been gone by now Hunter and it isn't your business why I am with her" I stood straight ready for the argument we are about to have because himself stood up out of the chair and we all know what it's going to come down to I don't think I can keep that promise to Demi about stating out of trouble now.

"It is my business I am her father and to be frank I don't think your the best for my daughter" I snorted a little and went towards him with a smirk my nerves on end how dare he say I'm not fucking good for her I am the best thing that has happened to her! If I didn't come along she might be dead with to deep of a cut or Shaun would have raped her and killed her who knows what but I rather not think of what could have happened.

"I am what's good for her Hunter look how fucking happy she is when I am around not like that Shaun guy, you know it's pretty sad-" I was to far gone into one of my insane stages that I couldn't stop now. "It's sad that her own father and mother didn't believe their daughter when she said Shaun raped her you guys just shrugged it off and now look he is back trying to fucking rape her again! and that is why I am here Hunter I am what keeps that from happening" I looked at him anger in his eyes.

"You don't know nothing Ambrose!" Hunter smacks his hand on the table making me chuckle because he thinks she never told me what had happened to her before I met her.

"I know that the cuts on her arm are from, let's start with when your wife called Demi fat that was two cuts, when you guys said she was lying then oh this one is sad the one that almost took her life because of you assholes!" I yell my hands in fists as I glare. "It's sad I know about more then you her own father! Hunter you have no right to say I am not good for her I am the best thing for that girl, Demi needs me" I lean on the table glaring into his red face this was blowing up quickly he just had to give me a reason to strike out just one god damn mother fucking reason to.

"She doesn't need you lunatic ass she needs help and that is what we are goin-" I grabbed him so fast he had no time to react correctly and I had Hunter against the wall knowing what he was going to say and I wasn't going to allow it never! ever!

"Your not putting her in a hospital not when I am around!" I yell into his face and drop him before something bad came of this knowing Demi wouldn't take kindly to me beating the shit out of her father.

"Your not good for her! Look at you she could do better!" I snapped and had him thrown out the door into the yard and I jumped off the porch walking towards him, my mind in a different place this son of a bitch has gone to far there was no return for his ass to be saved but I spoke to soon as a car pulls up and Demi jumps out. I turn my attention back to hunter ready to strike.

"I am not going anywhere I am here to stay so get it in your thick ass head!" I yell and Demi pushes me back trying to get me to move back my eyes clouded with rage and so much bottled in anger it wasn't even funny as I stumbled back a little yelling things. Demi finally gets me inside and shuts the door and places a hand on each side of my face.

"Dean calm down! Dean!" my eyes snap to hers, the hazel color making my nerves calm down slowly and I slump against the counter.

"He pissed me off" was all I said and looked down not sure wether she was angry or what because I attacked her father.

"It's alright look at me... Look at me Ambrose" I looked back at her and put a hand on her cheek "it's alright" she whispered and it's as if her presence calms me down because now I just wanted to be with her and that was all I wanted.

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