3. War

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War- a brutal excuse
To destroy many lives,
To make children orphans, women widows
And men homeless.

War- a small name
For a great disaster
To fill prisons and graveyards,
And to set up new refugee camps.

War- a silly reason
To exploit another's property,
To make profits, to show one's powers,
And to test new weapons.

War- a terrible game
To extend control over the world,
To threaten the Earth and God's creatures,
And the generations to come.

When will man stop killing others,
When will he learn to reason?
When will he honour others' lives,
When will he stop waging wars?

Oh unite against wars, please,
Unite to save fellow lives;
At least resent this violence with all your heart
And join me in this prayer for peace.

09 July 2011

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