Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


Harry's POV

You know that feeling you get when the person you love looks at you? The feeling you get when you hear them talk, or laugh.. The butterflies that you get in your stomach the moment your skin makes contact with theirs? I can't help but get that feeling every time I look at him; he's just too perfect. With his chestnut colored hair that is styled in a messy, yet appropriate way. His blue eyes that light up every time we watch Grease, or he sees his family. The striped tops, suspenders, and tight colorful pants that fit his bum perfectly.. I could honestly go on all day. I felt some one elbow me in the stomach and I looked up to meet golden brown eyes.

 "What is it Zayn?" I asked in a whisper-yell, clearly annoyed.

"Oi calm down Curly! You're completely out of it, now pay attention!" he retorted. I sighed and listened to what was being said. We were at an interview, being asked questions by a guy named David if I do recall.

 "So Louis, tell me about your girlfriend, Eleanor. What made you fall for her?" David asked pretending to actually care. I rolled my eyes. Yay more talk about Eleanor! Not. I'd rather jump off a cliff into a sea full of sharks then listen to Louis talk about.. Her.

 "Well obviously she's very fit, but I love her personality too. She's like a girl version of me so we get on well." Louis said smiling. Ew. Somebody get me a garbage can so I can puke in it. David nodded then turned to me.

"What about you Harry? You've spotted with a certain model a lot now haven't you? Tell us about Ms. Cara Delevingne."

 "Cara's lovely, really. But we're just good friends, nothing more, and nothing less." David nodded understandingly and looked into the camera.

 "Well I'm afraid that's all the time we have! Thank you boys for being here and we'll hopefully see you soon!" David ended and we all got up to go home.We piled into the car, I sat in the back by myself, wanting alone time. Liam sat on his phone, probably texting his girlfriend Danielle. Zayn sat next to Niall, staring at him lovingly while Niall played on his phone. Louis was without a doubt texting Eleanor.. I sat in the back with both my headphones in, blasting sad music. After a while of looking out the window with a few tears slipping down my face, I felt pressure on my thigh. I looked up to see Louis staring at me worriedly. He pulled my headphones out of my ears and ran his thumbs across my cheeks, wiping away my tears.

 "What's going on Harry?" he asked with a sad look on his face. My breath hitched as he cupped my face with his hand and I hoped he didn't notice.

 "N-Nothing Boo. I'm fine." Louis frowned and furrowed his eyebrows.

 "That's not true.. Please talk to me? Tell me what's wrong." No matter how much I loved the feeling of Louis touching me, I grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand down so it was resting on his lap.

 "Just leave it be." I said looking away from him.

"Fine. Is it okay if I go to El's tonight?" I simply nodded and pulled my headphones back in, turning my music up. When got back to our flat I went straight up to my bedroom and stripped down to my boxers and climbed into bed. After a while there was a soft knock on my door.

 "Come in." I called. The door opened to reveal a shirtless Zayn.. Mmm, not a bad sight at all. I licked my lips unintentionally and I think Zayn noticed, as he looked down blushing. The guys knew I was bisexual, it came out when I said that I wanted to see Magic Mike. Thankfully they all took it well, and just brushed it off when I flirted with any of them. I mean, I live with the four hottest guys in the world, how could I not flirt being the cheeky lad I am?

"Hey Zayn." I said coolly.

 "Hey Haz. Can I ask you something?" Zayn asked, fumbling with his sweatpants.

 "Sure babe, come 'ere." I sat up and patted the spot next to me, beckoning Zayn to come in my bed. That was kinda dirty.. I giggled at the thought as Zayn sat down. He played with his fingers for a while before his eyes finally met mine.

 "Harry? How- How did you know you were.. You know.. Bi?" I looked at Zayn in shock. Why would he want to know? I cleared my throat before explaining it to him.

"I just started noticing small things like guys smiles or their eyes, stuff you would notice about a girl you fancy. Then there was the physical attraction of course. The want to fuck other guys senseless." Zayn’s head shot up and our eyes met again.

 "How far have you gone with another guy?" Zayn asked curiously.

 "All the way. Why Zaynie? Care to find out what it's like?" I asked, running a hand up his arm.

 "I- I haven't even kissed another lad before." That surprised me, I suspected that Zayn questioned his sexuality ever since I met him. I thought he would've at least experimented by now.

 "I can change that if you'd like?" I asked eyeing him up curiously.

 "Will you?" he almost begged, pouting his lip a little. I moved closer to him and saw him tense a bit. I cupped his face and stroked his cheeks with my thumb, attempting to calm him down.

"Relax, okay? Tell me if you feel uncomfortable." He simply nodded and I leaned in so his breath tickled my lips.

 "Are you sure?" He nodded again and I closed the gap between us, pressing my lips against his. At first he didn't move but when I pressed my lips harder against his, he finally started kissing me back. We sat there with our lips just pressed together when I decided to take it further; I ran my tongue across his bottom lip and Zayn hesitantly opened his mouth. At first my tongue just roamed his mouth, but then his tongue started to fight with mine. I pushed him back so I was on top of him, straddling his hips. His hands grabbed my hips and I eventually gave up, letting him control the kiss. I started grinding against him, causing him to moan in my mouth when the lights switched on. Zayn pushed me off of him and I fell to his side. I looked in the doorway to find Louis, of all people, staring at us with his eyebrows raised.


Yay first chapter!!! So, there probably wont be more Zarry, and if there is it will only be a little because well, the isnt a Zarry fanfic, now is it? also this wont be one of those fanfics where they admit their love for each other in the first few chapters and next thing you know there's some kinky shit happening 'cause thats just not what i want for this story.. Well, there might be some kinky shit.. no promises though. alright im rambling.. thanks for reading!!!(:

loveee Alli<3

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