chapter 8

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"Cheers!" everyone called out, taking sips of their own drinks. You were sipping on your rum and coke, but only your first one, you didn't want another killer hangover and deal with all that pain again. You and the team were at Ziggy's again; it was the usual bar you guys went to after a finished case or to just catch up with each other after a long day.

"To another finished case!" Emily called out and took a couple of big gulps from her beer. As everyone mingled standing around a couple of high tables, catching up with each other's personal lives. As Morgan told another joke about cops and doughnuts, your personal phone started vibrating and you took it out to check who could be calling you at this time.

Unknown Number

Was all you saw on the screen. You hadn't had the chance to change your number just yet since you had practically just got back from Colorado, but the fact that this fucker had already gotten a new number to call you from made your blood boil. You sent the call straight to voicemail and tried to ignore it; but the calls just kept on coming. After what seemed to be the 6th call in 15 minutes, the people around you were starting to notice the buzzing as well. Deciding that you didn't want to get on their nerves you excused yourself outside and to the ally to answer the call.


"Now that's not very nice is it sweetheart."

"What. Do. You. Want."

"Is that anyway to talk to your father? No 'hi, hello, how've you been'?"

"Well I don't make it a habit to be kind to the people who continuously harass me even though I've made it abundantly clear I don't want to have any connection with them, also you have no right to call yourself my father." you tried to keep your voice level but there was a slight shakiness to it.

"I wouldn't have had to call you over and over if you had just picked up the first time."

"Maybe you should fucking stop trying to reach me!"

"Don't speak to me that way, it doesn't matter how you feel about me. I am still your father." he yelled back at you through the phone. You felt like you were almost at the verge of tears, you hated anytime you had a conversation with him it was always like this. He was one the last people you ever wanted to reach out to you again.

"Hey," you jumped at the sudden new voice and turned to your left and there was Spencer with his hands in his pockets, his head slightly tilted, staring at you, "is everything okay?"

You took a deep breath, though slightly shaky, and responded, "yeah I'm good, don't worry." flashing him a weak smile.

"Who is tha-" you hung up as soon as you heard his voice through the phone again and blocked the new number as quickly as possible without making it too obvious. But with the look Spencer gave you and his furrowed brows, you knew he didn't believe you.

"Trust me Spencer," you walked over to him, placing your hand on his shoulder, looking up straight into his eyes, "I'm fine." You both stood there for what seemed like forever, waiting for him to say anything that would confirm that he wasn't going to try and push any more information out of you. However the next five words that came out of his mouth were anything but what you wanted.

"Who were you talking to?" a soft sigh came out of your mouth and you took your hand off his shoulder, started walking out of the alley back towards the bar, looking back at him with a slight smile, you answered, "just some annoying telemarketer, you know how they are. I'm planning on changing my personal number tomorrow so hopefully I won't get anymore of these calls." You could practically see the gears turning in his head about whether or not to play along with this very obvious lie, with a gulp he finally responded,

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