chapter 6

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"Please, please I need more."

Your hands were bound to your headboard with cuffs as someone slowly let their fingers caress your damp slit just lightly grazing against your clit causing you to groan and whimper.

"Please, I need it. Pleeaaseee" you whimpered you tried to look at the person teasing you, but all you could see was a figure and a blur. All you could feel was the light graze of slender fingers, bucking your hips to get some extra pressure, anything at all.

"Tsk tsk tsk, little bunny is impatient isn't she." the somewhat familiar voice said. The blurry face slowly started to get more clear, the messy wavy brown hair falling perfectly at the sides of their face, their pink lips with tongue slightly sticking out in concentration, those hazel eyes and the slender nose with the slight slope, there was only one person at the front of your head.

Gasping you shot up in your bed. Did you just have a sex dream about Spencer Reid? Before you could dwell any longer on it you got a phone call. The screen said 'Hotch', and if Hotch was calling you at 3am then that meant there was probably a case. Sighing, you picked up.

"Morning Hotch," you grumbled, "how long do I have to get ready?"

"Sorry to bother you this early, but you need to get to the jet in about 40."

"Yes, sir." hanging up and placing your phone back down on your night stand. Grabbing any of your professional clothing that was clean and shoved it into your go bag, grabbed some sneakers and short heels, packing in your 'on-the-go' makeup bag that just had the basic necessities. Considering it was 3am you didn't think your team members would judge you for showing up in sweats and an old Disney sweatshirt from high school. It hung kind of loose on you, you were a little bigger back then. Lastly, you threw on your vans, grabbed everything else you needed and left for the hangar.

Boarding the jet you were glad to see that there were others in casual practically pyjama clothes, everyone except Hotch, of course he was wearing a suit and tie. Looking for a seat you realized the only one free was one across from Spencer Reid. Fuck. How could you sit across from him right after you had had a sex dream about him? But Emily had passed out on the long couch seat, Derek had his headphones on and staring out of the window, JJ was sitting across from him looking at the case files while also checking up on her phone checking up on Henry, Hotch and Rossi going over the case files and talking about it with each other. You just had to accept your fate and shove that dream in the back of your head.

Spencer was wearing casual clothes. The Spencer Reid in comfortable casual clothes. Sure you've seen him before in somewhat casual clothes when the team went to grab a drink after work from time to time, but this Spencer? Spencer in grey sweats, an old faded CalTech tee shirt and bed head? Now this was a sight you never wanted to forget.

"Everything okay?" he grumbled. Obviously he was still tired, and you didn't notice that you were staring at him.

"Huh? Oh. Yeah, I'm fine." you said shaking your head, "just zoned out for a second I guess. Can I uh, can I sit here?" he looked around and nodded. Of course you could sit there, he wasn't expecting you to stand there during the flight. Sitting down you got comfortable, settling into the chair.

Looking over at Spencer, his face was buried in a book, as usual. Today's book of choice was Strangers on a Train by Patricia Highsmith. While he was distracted with the book you took the time to actually look at him. His arms, though looked scrawny, definitely had some muscle definition to it. His bicep slightly flexed with the angle he was holding the book, then following down seeing the veins lightly pop out on them, following up to his hands and his fingers. His long slender fingers. Oh how they would just wrap perfectly around your neck. Continuing to his face, you focused on his lips, they would slightly open and then close again as he concentrated on his book, turning each page so quickly. Noticing that his tongue would pop out from time to time slightly licking his lower lip. Remembering what happened during the last case, how he nipped at your neck and licked it. Oh god you wondered what else he could do with that tongue, with how quickly he could speak maybe he could use that tongue to do. And the way he just forcefully pinned down your wrists and just took control, what if he was the same way during actual sex-

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