chapter 3

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You unlocked the door to your apartment, tossed your go bag to the side and immediately fell onto the couch whilst simultaneously kicking off your shoes. The couch wasn't your bed but it was just so comfortable you could've just passed out right then and there, but you didn't. Groaning you got up and trudged your way to the bathroom. As much as you wanted to just take a hot bath and light a couple candles, you had to get ready for a night out with Paul.

Paul, Paul, Paul. He and you had hooked up a couple times after you drunkenly went back to his place after a night out, which wasn't anything new for you to do. What was new was that the man wanted to continue to see you, and not just to hookup, he wanted to take you out on a date, and one led to another and another and now this one tonight.

Your team knew you weren't one to go on a second date with anyone, so to them they thought you were replaced by some random entity just for the fact that you were seeing this dude on a fourth date. Derek of course kept on making jokes about how this one was going to be the one that was going to tie you down and all the single boys and girls in the world would be disappointed. All you could do was laugh at his jokes, because honestly you weren't sure why you kept on going out with Paul. Sure he was nice, handsome, and knew how to use his dick, but there was just something missing with him. All these thoughts ran through your mind as you showered, Paul should've been a nice chance to actually try and have an actual boyfriend, would you give it a chance? Your mom is always pestering you about finding a nice man and just settling down, although your job would make it hard to do that. Always travelling to different cities tracking down serial killers, there's also the issue of having to let someone emotionally close.


You stepped out of the shower and wrapped yourself in an ultra soft towel placing your feet on a mat so you wouldn't slip on the cold tile. Grabbed your phone and decided to text Paul because honestly you weren't a fan of surprises and also didn't want to end up overdressing or anything.

You: hey

Paul: Heyy babyy

God you hated that he was already using these dumbass nicknames like 'baby' and 'babe'. He was getting way too comfortable with you at this point

You: could you like, give me a hint of where we're going after dinner?

Paul: Awe come on, I want it to be a surprise.

You: just a small hint? I just want to be able to dress right for the occasion. Pleaseeeee?

Paul: Fine. Just dress like a little sexy, trust me.

You: when do I not? See you later tonight

Paul: I'll pick you up in an hour.

After drying yourself off, throwing your hair up into your towel, you decided to put on a matching set of black lacy lingerie. Taking your hair out of the towel you decided to let it air dry before you actually did anything with it.

Getting dressed up was always a bit of a hassle because you never thought you were always the most stylish, you just stood there in front of your closet, looking through it, just trying to figure out what to wear. After starting for a couple minutes you decided to go with a lace overlay cami crop top with a black mini skirt and hugged your hips and ass just right. To accessorize you threw on a small diamond choker with some diamond earrings.

Holy shit you wore a lot of black. Eh, oh well it looked good.

You did your hair in some loose curls and as for your makeup, well you did a slightly winged black smokey eye with some falsies, because let's be honest, your natural lashes with just mascara just wasn't cutting it tonight. Did your base, added some blush, highlight, contour, and to finish it off you used a deep burgundy matte liquid lipstick for your lips. Blending your lipstick with a pop of your lips you stared at yourself in the mirror.

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