chapter 7

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"Jesus fucking christ." you sighed while walking back into the station. The team had caught the unsub, Cameron Bait. This man had serious mommy issues, he took the Oedipus complex to the extreme, and now Rossi and Prentiss were in the interrogation room trying to find Eliza Murphy, his latest victim, that thankfully they hadn't found the dead body of yet, so you could only assume that she was still alive.

You had to hold onto that hope.

A hand landed on your shoulder causing you to look up at who it was.

"Don't worry, your partners will get him to tell us where she is and we'll get her. Alive." Detective Dade said. The lead detective of the case was trying to comfort you. Looking up into his deep blue eyes that had specks of green scattered throughout them, his slicked back dirty blonde hair. He breathed out while running his hands through that hair of his.

"I know, I trust them. It was just kind of creepy going into his place and seeing pictures of the victims all over the place and a shrine of his deceased mom with memorabilia." you shuddered. "I'm definitely going to need a drink or two after this is over."

From a table across the room, Spencer was watching you two, he wanted to be the one that was attempting to comfort you, but baby steps. He needed to take baby steps to make sure that he wasn't just suddenly overbearing, however the baby steps were also for him. He needed to take them to make sure that he still kept a safe distance from you. He was snapped out of his thoughts by the sound of giggling, you. You were giggling.

Why were you giggling?

Detective Dade was telling you stories of what happened when he was still a beat cop, before he became a detective, how he had to go to a house because neighbors reported screaming but it turned out that the tenants of the house were just really into bdsm and didn't have a gag and they were just very wild that night.

"Well thank goodness I'll never have to deal with that" you chuckled.

"And why is that?" he questioned with a hint of playfulness in his tone, like he was trying to get a different type of answer.

"Because I don't have to answer calls like that while working at the FBI," you got a little closer to his ear and lowered your voice to a whisper, "plus it takes a lot to get me screaming Detective." you winked and sauntered over to where Derek and Spencer were sitting, leaving Detective Dade with his mouth hanging open.

Derek looked over at the detective and at you and chuckled. "Damn Bunny what did you say to the poor man to leave his jaw that close to the floor."

"I told him exactly what he wanted to hear, and maybe a little bit more." you looked around the station and started to pick at your nails, a tell tale sign of when you started getting anxious, Emily and Rossi had been in the interrogation room for about twenty minutes and you guys still didn't have the secondary location yet. Pulling your hands away from each other you stared at the map that Spencer had set up in the beginning that helped you guys minimize the search to a 10 mile radius to find the unsub; right now Penelope was trying to find any properties that his mother may have owned in case it took longer than any of you wanted it for Bait to confess where he was keeping Eliza.

You started thinking back to when everyone was still trying to narrow down the victimology, other than all the women being brunettes and having similar builds, Penelope couldn't find anything on their social media or in their life history that connected the women. After talking to the families it seemed like that all the women had a personality to act like the "mom friend". They were all caring, constantly put others ahead of themselves, all lived relatively low risk lifestyles, and were excited to go on a date with a mystery man. At least their behavior was something that connected them, and that's all we needed, this led us to figure out that the unsub was trying to find a surrogate for his mother figure, he also had good enough social skills to be able to set dates with these women and lure them away to a different location.

"We got it, everyone let's go." Hotch called out, snapping you out of your thoughts. Everyone rushed out into the government issued SUVs out in the lot. As soon as you buckle your seatbelt you got a sudden text message:

Unknown number:

Hey honey, I miss you. It's not very nice of you to have blocked my other numbers.


You almost threw your phone right then and there and screamed, but no, this was not the time to freak out. You had to go and find Eliza Murphy, alive. You blocked this new unknown number as quick as you could, and promised yourself you were going to get a new number as soon as you got home, shoving your phone back into your pocket and focused on the task at hand.

Noticing you were taking deeper breaths and more than you usually would, Spencer turned towards you and asked, "hey, is everything okay? You know we're going to find her, right?" placing his hand on your thigh, not in a sexual way, more as an attempt at comforting you.

"Oh," you responded turning towards him, "yeah of course I know we're going to get her, I'm just glad that we'll finally be able to close this case." you finished with a smile trying your best to assure him that you were, in fact, okay.

Arriving to an old abandoned farmhouse, a good miles away from any traffic, perfect place to torture and murder victims. Your team and the police's team spread out around the farmhouse, slowly canvassing, making sure that there weren't any other surprises. The way it was split up, it was you, Spencer, and Detective Dade, how convenient.

Sneaking around to the back, you took point, making sure that you had your flashlight on in one hand and underneath your right hand where you were holding your glock 17 to steady it, and slowly opened the small door that was there, pushing the screen door that followed it, taking a left through the cobweb covered, dusty kitchen, making sure that there was no one else. You heard a 'clear!' from your other teammates within the house and from behind you. You noticed a door down a hall to the right of the kitchen.

"Hey Reid," you called out and pointed towards the door. As you both started to get closer you heard muffled whimpering. Slowly opening the door, you two, followed by the rest of the team, descending down the stairs into the deep dark basement, only to be illuminated by your guys's flashlights. There she was, Eliza Murphy, zip tied to a chair bloody, beaten and bruising. She had cuts all over her body, dripping blood staining the chair and the floor she was tied to. Her head was nodding back and forth whilst her mouth was bound with duct tape. Luckily her face wasn't slashed, however she would have scars that no one wouldn't be able to see for the rest of her life.

You rushed over to her.

"Help.... Please help me..." was all she repeated over and over as soon as you got the duct tape off.

"Hey, hey, I'm with the FBI, you're safe now." you said while pulling out a small pocket knife and cutting off the restraints. As soon as she was freed she fell into your arms and just sobbed. You held her tightly, repeating "you're okay now, he can't hurt you anymore" rubbing your hands up and down her back like you would a screaming toddler. Behind you, you hear Derek say that you needed a medic down there as soon as possible.

As soon as everyone was back outside and Murphy was in an ambulance getting her vitals checked, you watched as the EMTs closed the doors and drove off towards the hospital.

"That's one less dead body."

"And I'm so ready to get back home and get a drink."

"I hear you" Emily chimed in, "but hey, at least we can celebrate this."

Everyone climbed back into the SUVs and headed back towards the station to finish up some paperwork and finally head back to Virginia. 


AHHH I'm really sorry this is so short is and took way too damn long. Classes started up again and I kept on deleting this whole chapter over and over and rewriting, I just wasn't happy with it. I'm not the happiest with this but I needed to get something out. Again, I'm sorry ! ALSO I changed my username to reidsnrenswhore bc I needed to change it to something that wouldn't make it obvious as to who I am irl, k thanksssss

I Never KnewTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon