chapter 4

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"Hey babe," an arm wrapped around your waist and a head placed onto your left shoulder, "who are these people?"

"Oh Paul!" honestly you had forgotten about him for a moment when you saw Spencer, "these are just some of the people on my team, my work family if you will. Penelope Garcia, Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss, and Doctor Spencer Reid." you introduced them one by one and pointed to each and everyone of them. "And this is Paul, my uhhh... my uhhh..." you trailed off looking at him not quite sure what to call him. "SO!" you clapped as you yelled, "Shots?"

"Oh can we please," Emily called out, "I didn't bring over these shots to not take with you all. Paul? You drinking?"

"No thanks, Emily, I have to drive this one back." Paul stood all the way up and took the hand that was on your waist and put it on your shoulder and squeezed. Hard. You looked up at him questioningly as to say 'what's wrong, why are you doing that?' and he just smiled and looked ahead at your friends. There was a sudden bad feeling in your gut telling you to run but you shoved that down because, uh Emily just brought over some alcohol and hell yeah you weren't about to let that go to waste.

"Really Em? Blowjob shots? I haven't done those since uni. She brought over four shot glasses with half coffee liqueur, and whipped cream on top, the way these were supposed to be drunk were, hands behind the back, grab the glass with your mouth, tilt back and swallow, then put it back down while it's still in your mouth.

"I mean hey, if the stories you've told me about your sex life is any indication to how you're going to take these, this is going to be easy for you."

"But there's only four?"

"Boy Wonder isn't going to be drinking because he drove here himself," those words that just came out of Penelope's mouth shocked you, Spencer practically never drove anywhere, he preferred public transportation. "Plus I'm not too sure he can handle his alcohol."

"I can handle my alcohol just fine Garcia." Everyone looked over at him with wide eyes. "What? It can't be that surprising, you guys know I'm not actually the baby of our team, hell she's younger than me." he continued, pointing at me. "It's already more dangerous to drive during night than the day and I don't want to add on to that by being intoxicated by the slightest."

"Fair fair Pretty Boy. C'mon ladies are we going to take these shots or what?" Derek chimed in. And everyone decided to turn to the alcohol and start having the time of their life in the club.

A couple hours and many many more shots later, everyone except Paul and Spencer was out on the dance floor, however little did they both, both of their attention, was on one person out of the group. You.

They watched every move of yours while you danced from Emily to Penelope and even a little bit on Derek, but Derek was mainly there to scare off any creeps that tried to grab any of you. Not that you couldn't handle yourselves, but men typically undermine how powerful women can be and how they can handle themselves so having Derek there was just a good warning. Everything was starting to get dizzy, so maybe you had a little bit too much to drink.

Stumbling over to the two men watching you, tripping over your feet about to fall straight on your face, one of them got up and caught you right before and now your head was in their chest. This scent, it was something new, something you had never really had the chance to smell up close before. Looking up all giggly with a stupid grin on your face, through your drunken haze you could tell it was Spencer.

"Spencer! The doctor is in the HOUSEEEE. How are you doing, you beautiful beautiful man." You said while patting his face. "Woah your jawline is like reeaaallll sharp, like damn boy. I understand why Derek calls you 'Pretty Boy' now."

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